The Weather.

Benny Bunter

Well-known member
The good thing about 48 degrees is when it goes down to 'just' 40 like today and you can actually leave the house before 9pm - aaaah


cat malogen
Worst summer since about 1992

Went in to cover part of a night shift over the weekend and the ladies leaving had left the heating on - it’s not that bad


Well-known member
confrontational weather this week. five days of shifting heat and humidity in different formulations. you'd try to go out but the air would stick to you and wear you out. then a weekend of constant pissing rainstorms that would break for a bit to get you to go outside and then suddenly piss on you.


Well-known member
aside from when it flooded and it was on the news, this is the fourth weekend in a row that its rained, new york rain is proper, it just pisses it down all day and all night with brief interludes of drizzle. normally its a very outside city but rain is the one thing (well i guess aside from heatwaves and the occasional winter deep freeze, so one of three things) that keeps people inside. mad to think of the thousands of manhattan towers with everyone at home stacked on top of each other, pottering around in little boxes.


in je ogen waait de wind
My partner says she'll never leave Sevilla though even if she dries up like a raisin so I guess we're staying here
what's the temperature over there in winter? january/february/march? can you sit outside in a t-shirt and drink coffees? i'm looking for a place to survive this winter.


Well-known member
there was a series of weekends where it rained heavily, i mentioned it before, in the end it was about six in a row. as it wore on the vibes got weirder in the east village. people freaking out and tense. someone screaming at the bus stop on 14th. someone else chasing a guy on 12th, crouching in front of him, not letting him past, saying that he'd stolen his wallet. my girlfriend confronted him in the end and the victim and his girl legged it across the street. but the instigator followed. a few black guys outside the cinema took her lead and got up in the guy's face, three against one. i thought that it helped that they were black, because the guy doing the chasing was black, and in weird america that is somehow in some way more acceptable than white guys stepping in. someone had been stabbed at the bus stop in brooklyn a week before and i think it was top of everyone's mind. but partly it was about the weather i think. the usual cycle of weekend release being interupted again and again. trapped inside tiny nyc apartments all weekend.

its nice now though


Well-known member
there's only really two short bits of the year here where the weather is good, fall and spring. fall being the best one, as everyone knows, and its short, maybe two and a half months. the rest of the year is freezing cold or boiling hot. its very beautiful at the moment. bright blue skies and brown leaves. the clothes are the best at this time of year as well, you don't need to wear shorts and you don't need to wear massive functional coats to stay warm. a chill in the air. the thing that always comes to mind is the dylan album cover of whatever that famous one is where he's got his arm round some girl's shoulder walking down the street. and the atmosphere is chilled too. pleasant. for a short window you aren't fighting against the elements. the clocks go back and its dark at 5pm. in the fall the cultural stuff gears up after the summer lull and there's a million things on across the spectrum, and it does't feel like a hassle to go to them coz its so nice out. pigeons do circles in groups over the park

Benny Bunter

Well-known member
what's the temperature over there in winter? january/february/march? can you sit outside in a t-shirt and drink coffees? i'm looking for a place to survive this winter.
Yeah, you can if you sit in the sun during the day, and it's sunny most days.

It gets pretty chilly at night though and the houses/flats aren't designed for the winter here cos central heating isn't a thing. Mildest and shortest winter in Europe though probably.


there's only really two short bits of the year here where the weather is good, fall and spring. fall being the best one, as everyone knows, and its short, maybe two and a half months. the rest of the year is freezing cold or boiling hot. its very beautiful at the moment. bright blue skies and brown leaves. the clothes are the best at this time of year as well, you don't need to wear shorts and you don't need to wear massive functional coats to stay warm. a chill in the air. the thing that always comes to mind is the dylan album cover of whatever that famous one is where he's got his arm round some girl's shoulder walking down the street. and the atmosphere is chilled too. pleasant. for a short window you aren't fighting against the elements. the clocks go back and its dark at 5pm. in the fall the cultural stuff gears up after the summer lull and there's a million things on across the spectrum, and it does't feel like a hassle to go to them coz its so nice out. pigeons do circles in groups over the park
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