The Weather.


Well-known member
I had a 70 mile journey home today and managed to drive through torrential rain, hailstones, blazing sun, gale force winds, rain again and then it was sunny when i went morrissons near the house

Quite like the schizophrenic english weather sometimes but fuck me it was ridiculous

@luka is trying to write a modern day Cain's Book, that's why he got a job on the boats, he's trying to put you off the scent. I've heard there's less smack in it than the original but loads more getting bummed


Well-known member
I had this weird thing in America, particularly in Austin, where it was very humid, where I actually started to miss English weather


Well-known member
get a job on a whaling ship. throw ropes at 4am. thats the only way. theres only two jobs in the world. throw ropes at 4am or street poet.