basically, very briefly, my mopey mate asked me to take him to devon to get over splitting up with his stupid girlfriend who was terrible for him anyway and help him to get over his stupid weed addiction. so hes miserable and hes going without his pacifier. in other words, bad vibes. we arrived and stupidly i took him to the pub and we got wankered. i had a terrible terrible nights sleep with vivid hideous nightmares and woke up feeling severely out of sorts, menaced by bad juju.
and everything was telling me not to take the acid. i knew it was stupid but i did it anyway. we were in a garden and it was coming on ok, nothing very strong or beautiful or special, and bear in mind id been at it non stop for a year or soemthing, almost every week so it was almost boring by this point but you know, i was having some interesting thoughts and what not although im not used to tripping with other people and hes not used to tripping at all so there was some unease there and uncertainty......