
Recently I've been spending my days on the archives instead of Twitter... Plus what with lockdown and living in WI, I don't get the in-person contact... BK Cult Mafia may be behind me... It was part of a big project in my life that's now mostly behind me, still, I'll see what I can do


julia fox? scans of the zine she made featuring the guy from Salem: PTSD
Where'd you get this? This is cool/wild/somethin
Do you go about these projects in anticipation of their being subsumed by a later larger project?
Oh I just collect little things, like scrapbooking, and try to write and respond to things around me, and pretty soon it adds up, there's a lot of loose ends, themes emerge, you can string em togethr. Not unlike zines e.g. Julia Fox's
Butt yeah, I suppose so


@Leo I love it

@catalog Women with sex and culture to sell—was there a more overpowered combo in the attention market? should be banned prolly, unfair for everybody else


Well-known member
I thought she was really good in uncut gems, had never heard of her before that, then realised she had this whole other thing going on. I like the people who try a bit of everything.


Apparently there's a real literary squad that's formed the past decade or so—reading the acknowledgments section in Ben Lerner's Topeka School it thanks Annie Baker, Maggie Nelson, and Rachel Kushner for correspondence. That's pretty much the start and end of a list on best contemporary literature. I saw Nelson and Lerner appear at the 92nd St Y a year or two back, they seemed very intimate.

My guess is that these scenes are a little less geographically tethered than they used to be—I don't think Baker or Nelson have lived in New York recently, which means they probably built those friendships via... email?


These folks are about a decade older than the BCM—40s instead of 30s.

(Are there any hyped scenes of 20-somethings in literary or intellectual production? There are obviously a lot in music, where taking off in your 30s or 40s is rarer. Would imagine very few folks are writing things worth reading in their 20s, myself obviously an exception.)


One of the great sadnesses. Fantasies of recognition, legitimation—being rated by the folks you, yourself, rate. Perhaps this happens several times—friendships become syllogistic, and then shared. Or it happens before you, you enter into it, a homecoming, Suspended you're here, you belong. A strange feeling as others' third-person perspective synchronizes with the form of your first-person dreams, becomes your first-person reality.


The old men whisper, "the event you describe is a non-event; this event has never occurred in the whole history of the earth; it exists only in wish and desire."


But the Scylla of self-esteem, stripped of external feedback, is self-delusion; the Charybdis is lack of progress or improvement.