you can see in that image how objects have a presence and the fullness of being, how they occupy space, how real they are, and how they, as much as the cat on the window-sill, are companions. again i think this is something the internet robs us of.and that we are trying to recover it. that part of the appeal of Japan is that it holds out the promise of recovering this precise state depicted in the image above
this is Japan too of course but that doesn't weaken my point
That movie was something !Lost In Translation was an important moment in orientalism, infusing that alienation and loneliness, that cut adrift state, with poetic longing and Scarlett Johannson. I think a lot of Japanese music is now viewed/heard through that film
Hmmm let's see ... manga, CG, Mercari.The main Japan----The West conduits being Lost in Translation, anime, video games, porn. Have I forgotten anything important? Food and music to a lesser extent.
My third home
Superflatthank you i just made it up becasue after posting the frog poem i looked to my right and noticed my Hockney book
"Tetraliths are only deployed in anger," he said. "A detail acquired from Japanese, who will never, unless they wish to offend, present you with four of anything - Japanese character for 'four' being same as that for 'death.'"
good films and even better junglismThe main Japan----The West conduits being Lost in Translation, anime, video games, porn. Have I forgotten anything important? Food and music to a lesser extent.
The repeated lyrical refrain of "I think I'm turning Japanese" was widely believed by Americans to describe an orgasm induced by masturbating, but actually was intended to describe teen angst or alienation after a romantic breakup.
Cont. from above :
Toe socks ... makes one reconsider the foot
and i said Mercari before but it deserves another m
Kwaidan !
Japanese ghost stories movie trailers 1965