New Manchester music


pass the sick bucket
But I still have to defend Manchester, well, Rusholme, Moss Side and Rochdale (which is really not) because A Guy Called |Gerald, Autechre etc.


Well-known member
@DLaurent what's your opinion on the Techno coming out of Manchester's Eastern Bloc record shop at the moment?

Kerrie - Heptapod K

Means&3rd - Thought contortion


Well-known member
I have no real point of reference but those tracks aren't sludgy enough for me, the Ratblood tracks (not bought the tape :confused:) sounds bitcrushed as you like but also a lot of programming going on whereas I like the sludge of Andy Stott tracks they've never really moved me.
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bandz ahoy
I was in Manchester recently – Ancoats. A formerly miserably poor area that's been converted into a sort of urban theme park for students and middle class professionals. It's quite bizarre, like that Main Street in Disneyworld.


Tight but Polite
Sort of inspired by Manchester vs Bristol and the Sheffield stuff on the Richard H Kirk thread, if I ran some sort of massively overcomplicated polling / scoring thing to rank the UK's provincial cities based on their musical legacy, would people play along?
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Well-known member
Sort of inspired by Manchester vs Bristol and the Sheffield stuff on the Richard H Kirk thread, if I ran some sort of massively overcomplicated polling / scoring thing to rank the UK's provincial cities based on their musical legacy, would people play along?
Yes, I never miss a chance to say rude and inflammatory things about the provinces


Well-known member
Shotta Tapes USB stick - 12 hours of wavs

The USB includes:

Rat Heart - Rat Heart (Album)

Rat Heart - Impressions 4 Guitar + Broken Tascam (Album)

Rat Heart - Exclusive Album for Boomkat USB (Album)

Bloodheart (Michael J Blood + RAT HEART) (Album)

Jon K - Somewhat Like . . .(Mixtape)

Big Scraps - Follow The Yellow Brick Road (Mixtape)

Big Scraps - Now That’s Wot I Call Drill (Mixtape)

Fallow + Griz-O - Wicked & Wild (Album)

Tom Boogizm - Nothing Conscious (Mixtape)

Tom Boogizm - Devil On The Cross (Double Mixtape)