New Manchester music


Well-known member
been holding off both listening to this

and posting about it cos i know i'll get grief but w/e

interested in eg @william_kent @WebEschatology @Leo opinions.

my take, for what it's worth, is that it's good, but so bleak and non-dancey that it;s vasically unlistenable, hoeeer, tht might vhange in a club siyuation, idk. incredible dancer this one, used to go same hesska nihts as me


Well-known member
been holding off both listening to this

and posting about it cos i know i'll get grief but w/e

interested in eg @william_kent @WebEschatology @Leo opinions.

my take, for what it's worth, is that it's good, but so bleak and non-dancey that it;s vasically unlistenable, hoeeer, tht might vhange in a club siyuation, idk. incredible dancer this one, used to go same hesska nihts as me

this is just ok
the bleakness and the "unlistenable" nature of it doesn't bother me so much as much as it doesn't have any of the energy that i liked about grime sounds more suited for the kind of awful overprice art exhibition on "grime in the 20th century" with old posters of raves laminated over not only that but the MC reminds me more of Ghostpoet than anybody else.

if anything this just sounds more like a fake dean blunt bullshit immitation of grime than say anything to do with grime

Poet for Hire

Well-known member
been holding off both listening to this

and posting about it cos i know i'll get grief but w/e

interested in eg @william_kent @WebEschatology @Leo opinions.

my take, for what it's worth, is that it's good, but so bleak and non-dancey that it;s vasically unlistenable, hoeeer, tht might vhange in a club siyuation, idk. incredible dancer this one, used to go same hesska nihts as me

Its good but you must be a masochist trying to get dissensus approval for this stuff. It deserves better than these sad old losers.


pass the sick bucket
already has factmag/quietus/white hotel/pitchfork/RA approval, what more could you want?

Luckily I'm listening to Ahmet Kaya - proper wristslashing Anatolian social realism, and have tuned out of this music entirely. Hence, absolutely elated to have no opinion on it whatsoever, neither positive nor negative.


pass the sick bucket
It's an orgasmic feeling @omen - you should really try it. find your own music which noone listens to, and ignore everything else. You don't know how fun it is to not give a shit about anything.


Well-known member
already has factmag/quietus/white hotel/pitchfork/RA approval, what more could you want?
anyone goin to this, this friday - free

Smiths Magazine & GCSU present...

Smiths Ball

@ Goldsmiths College Students’ Union (Dixon Road, New Cross, SE14)

Friday 28th January

9pm - 2am

FREE ENTRY (+20% off all drinks!)

Smiths Magazine celebrates the most exciting movements in urban dance culture, with a free rave of scary proportions!

An inspiring event boasting the cream of UK grime, drum ‘n’ bass, garage and dubstep - shits’ about to get messy!

Everyone welcome - no attitude - positive raving


Roll Deep feat. Wiley
Nikkie S & Nyke with DJ Steppa D
Plasticman (reflex)
Kode9 (Hyperdub)
Nemesis (rude fm)
Tron + more

(Hosted by MC Spitz)


Well-known member
would you like to meet up to discuss our differences? in the flesh. let's talk. let's smooth it out.


Well-known member
no one else just me and you lets talk about why you are so unhappy. i'll buy the drinks. you name the venue.
i don't want anyone to be unhappy. it makes me unhappy that you are unhappy. let's come to an understanding,
the two of us.


Well-known member
more boogz/ratz

basically the same as ever, but i love it

the title is fantastic, I just wish they could have got Tony McDermott to do a Scientist style cover to match:

Ratty Rids The Clubs From The Evil Curse Of The Private School DJ’s