Transfer Phenomena


does your wife/girlfriend/partner agree to use them with you or is she more the eyerolling type?
Hmmm we don't talk about my theory ideas too much, but we have our own language, it's just a very different kind. A bit of pet name type stuff, sure, but also certain glances, tag lines, memes, phrases, that accumulate meaning over time and use. She calls me "a liar and a thief" sometimes, and a "big dumbo" other times, which naturally turned into her putting her hands behind her ears (like Dumbo the elephant, altho the original "dumbo" was just in the sense of "big idiot"). I dunno, it's like... a certain phrase gets bounced around, becomes a "thing," then you start doing n+1 references back to it
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Years ago at the start of her relationship, during our courtship phase, we communicated primarily in images. This photograph by an artist that was on display at MoMA at the time (where Nico worked in archives), of a boat at the bottom of Niagara falls, somehow picked up meaning as a signifier for what we were to each other—we hadn't "DTR'd" (defined the relationship) and were keeping things loose, but clearly had feelings for each other. So it was this unspecified "falling for you" signifier. And then you know you can use the word "Niagara," or send the Julee Cruise "Falling" video, or a song by The Fall, and it's all pointing to the same thing, yeah?


We did this shrooms trip together where we hiked in upstate NY, maybe a year into our relationship, and we came across a waterfall, and there was this loaded mutual glance of our interpersonal symbolism physically incarnate.


I feel these were really great responses that have been underrated by the community, in particular by Luka who solicited and then ignored them


I think all the secrets of language in general can be found in the private languages that emerge in small groups of people. That's where it all started. You wanted to point out features of the environment, patterns of being, and you had to come up with a way of referring.


Or, the symbolization process is performed naturally and continuously without end


is not like other people
I think all the secrets of language in general can be found in the private languages that emerge in small groups of people. That's where it all started. You wanted to point out features of the environment, patterns of being, and you had to come up with a way of referring.
Or, the symbolization process is performed naturally and continuously without end
i think you should do some acid with this lucky girl and then read her these lines


Oh yeah, this definitely happens. Trying to think of examples that don’t make me sound completely unhinged, but you can cycle through multiple writers in a short space of time and feel a shift in your mindset, mood and perception of your surroundings with each switch.

It’s also interesting when you’re reading books in quick succession and it seems the writers are communicating with each other through you – something raised in one book gets refuted in the next… coincidences crop up: why have three completely different writers all mentioned the same city in South America? Or referenced each other…or mentioned something that made the news in current week, despite all being dead for 40+ years?

I think you have to be invested in it though: have read Mein Kampf (or most of it) and didn’t enter Hitler’s headspace, or glean anything beyond being bored shitless.
Think what you're talking about with mein kampf here is what the computer gamers amogus (as well as petulant little comic book movie fans who require strict adherance to precious fandom wikia canon) refer to as "Immersion". Which for sure requires some level of concious investment and belief in what you're reading (which theoretically a good writer of anything should at the very least try to trick you into having (unless not having those things is the point i guess (brechtian alienation???? im deadset braindead rn))), and can definitely be nullified through force of will. conscious effort and that
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The Incredible Machine (an old rube goldberg cartoon engineering game that impacted my imagination at early ages)
I could swear this game appeared to me in a dream. Something that I have experienced as early as the earliest of my memories.


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I feel like when it comes to personal language it can be fairly varied:
most people I enjoy spending time with - I createed a private language with almost naturally and with zero effort.
still, some, due to coming from a different background (age difference, spending their time in different zones of the internet, having different interests, etc) it can become way harder, at times even embarassing (think someone middle aged trying to use internet slang), it takes a fair amount of labour to create a smallest of personal language that will work for you at all at all and it worries me as I can sometimes very much enjoy being around someone, while still having issues with that particular aspect of it.
I feel like sense of humour and ones social habits certainly has a lot to do with it. Think the so called "normies". That is basically someone abusing language you recognise as yours, as in, someone deep in the know, famously the 4chan<->reddit<->9gag relationship
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meme templates are certainly an example of this also aren't they? they start as a niche rolling joke between a few people and start getting more abstracted out by others, their use of it being stolen in a way perhaps?