Good Discussions


is not like other people
It was a joke!!!!! But you're right in a sense that jokes always have some morality within them, especially great ones. Some of my best moral interventions come in the form of jokes that stick in the minds of their subjects and unravel themselves over time. people will remind me years later of a joke I made that changed their life, sometimes that I'd forgotten, and only then its true value would be revealed, even to me.
strongly reconsidering that ban shiels after 8pm rule you proposed.


Well-known member
when dovesx cry is a special record i'll hapilly gouge out Gus; eye for that record cant beleive he never heard it before mad


The funniest thing, I'd read a book last year that mentioned the Cock Lane haunting and it referenced the usurer William Kent - and then, ta da, he popped up on Dissensus.


Well-known member
i cant help noticing no one has heard from 'catlog' since you two met up. coincidence eh?