Don't want to appeal to authority or wave my credentials about, but my degree is in human physiology and philosophy of science, I worked for a couple of years after that analysing randomised controlled trials for a living, before working at the BMA. And I can tell you, what has happened these past 2.5 years stinks. because of pressure from almost everyone in media and medical governance, the truth is being suppressed or outright reversed
Dismissing red flags and blatant signals in the data is just cope at this stage. Ask yourself why countries like Denmark have halted Vax for anyone under 60, why birth rates are plummeting, why 42% of women report weird menstrual bleeding, why everything but the Vax is being blamed for heart problems, why excess mortality increased post Vax, why most vaxxed populations have most disease, why COVID is no longer seasonal, why myocarditis is only seen post Vax not post covid, etc, etc, etc