the beast, with lea seydoux. id watch LS in pretty much anything, though she does have the sad/weary expression of tired/depressed mum after the school run trying to make dinner quite a lot of the time, and i was half in the mood for an arty brainy sci-fi but then i fell asleep a lot and the film was then getting on my nerves everytime i woke up so had to give up and left 30 mins before it ended. but from what i did see, it was trying to do A LOT, skipping from one thing/idea/period to the next in half-interesting, half-self satisfied fashion, and for a film about the importance of emotions, it was very unemotional. the incel bit seemed interesting (are there any good films on incels?) so i should watch it properly/awake obv. only film from this director i liked though was noctarama, which was also very controlled, cerebral, cold, but that was at least tightly edited and had a stronger narrative.