THE WETHERSPOONS IN PAIGNTON IS, UNIQUELY, the town's high-end drinking establishmentRochester Castle on Stoke N high street has got to be up there. Great place. Full of old pissed Irishmen, women nursing babies, and that one old West Indian geezer in a nice khaki suit with his pint of Guinness.
a bank apparently@craner lives near a beautiful one in Barry, a converted theatre, very warm and convivial. he goes there every afternoon at 3 when he's 'working' from 'home'.
This is true. It's a pretty dismal little place.THE WETHERSPOONS IN PAIGNTON IS, UNIQUELY, the town's high-end drinking establishment
a bank apparently
Pub histories
Pub histories Many Wetherspoon pubs are restored from interesting and, in several cases, unique buildings. Wetherspoon’s chairman and founder, Tim Martin, said: “We take immense pride in the restoration and refurbishment of wonderful buildings into Wetherspoon pubs. We feel that it is right