something no one's mentioned yet but that we've certainly talked about before is the chain of informal to more formal information sources
i.e. the echo chambers of 4chan, reddit, etc to social media to traditional news outlets
and its role in creating and especially in amplifying these kinds of attacks, like turning an ember into a blazing grassfire
I couldn't even begin to describe its mechanisms in any kind of detail but undoubtedly it exists
QAnon I'd guess is the prototype and/or paradigm
this is more in the luka etc realm, but for people who are more likely to believe in psyops and the like, there you go
I would be very interested in seeing the kind of analytics work
@DannyL mentioned, if it exists anywhere
unlike social media I'd guess it has to be primarily humans rather than bots, due to the higher level of complexity required, but maybe not
and that's definitely something that could change as AI language models become more powerful