
Well-known member
But I am stupid and I worry about it and I don't know the reason. So I'm not bothered by that


Well-known member
Droid recently sent me a confidential PM speculating that various forum members (mr tea, version etc) were pobably brain damaged from coronoa viruses. i concurred but said well, looking at the evidence i think we all. are you? have you noticed signs of being fucked in the head?

Tea's cretinism has always been beyond doubt, the question is if he has gotten worse.

Version, otoh has, if anything become smarter, more erudite, confident, cynical. He's flowered in my absence. He's now the beating heart of Dissensus, god help him.


I don't mind if idle rich thinks I'm stupid than before, I think I I am too
I don't think that repeating the same tired old lines means you're stupid though. It's just lazy. First time it was funny powerful and actually quite effective in dismissing the music in question. Even second time it worked but now we're up to about the fifth repetition. It's lost its bite. Along with more crushing reviews of authors you've never read, it's not that you're saying stupid stuff, you just need some more material. Though the sad thing is, repeating good lines so often actually undermines how good they were the first time. It's like how seeing your favourite song on an advert - or I guess just massacred by an bloated coke-addled version of the band with two original members and three session guys - can mean that suddenly it doesn't seem so special.

But the thing is not that you're saying stupid stuff, it's just that you're not saying anything at all. OK maybe you've reached a creative impasse, but again that's something different from stupidity. I guess it could well be caused by covid though fair enough.


I don't think I'm any more moronic than I was before. In fact, 2020/21 was probably the closest I got to pure gnosis.

But other people? Yeah...synapses frazzled beyond repair. CEOs who can barely string a sentence together. People at work asking me things that I explained in the previous email. Random jellyheads staggering into the road in front of me on my driving lessons, waving cans of All Day Breakfast around. Some woman came up to me at the bus stop yesterday and started telling me she's got a new boyfriend, but her sister's warning her not to move in with him yet, but it's OK because he works long hours so she can have his place to herself most days, but she has a lot of stuff she needs to move...fuck off, why are you telling me all this? My driving instructor said to me "I'm teaching this woman from, uh...what's the country fighting Russia?" Dummies!

The whole world's brain-damaged. I the only one on Dissensus who actually made money out of crypto? I kind of thought I was, reading the load of bollocks on that Coinbase thread...but I wasn't sure if it was a joke?


What you're saying there about the CEOs and people at work @martin reminds me of the stuff about Johnson in the news today saying that he was completely unable to understand what the scientists told him. According to their notes he couldn't follow what they said, or if he could he couldn't keep it in his head from one meeting to the next and had to have it explained to him again and all kinds of other stuff. But I dunno if that was cos of Covid or if he was always just a thick cunt.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
What you're saying there about the CEOs and people at work @martin reminds me of the stuff about Johnson in the news today saying that he was completely unable to understand what the scientists told him. According to their notes he couldn't follow what they said, or if he could he couldn't keep it in his head from one meeting to the next and had to have it explained to him again and all kinds of other stuff. But I dunno if that was cos of Covid or if he was always just a thick cunt.
He's also just the kind of posho cunt who studied - sorry, 'read' - Classics at Auxford, and would probably therefore make it a point of pride not to understand anything that smacked of sad, gay, nerdy science.
He's also just the kind of posho cunt who studied - sorry, 'read' - Classics at Auxford, and would probably therefore make it a point of pride not to understand anything that smacked of sad, gay, nerdy science.
So true. A virulent anti-spod tendency. The Eton-Oxford-Westminter high speed rail route needs to be axed with maximum prejudice, but the cunts keep coming.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
So true. A virulent anti-spod tendency. The Eton-Oxford-Westminter high speed rail route needs to be axed with maximum prejudice, but the cunts keep coming.

What's this? His Master's Gonads agreeing with me? About something to do with covid?!

Mind you, their science was absolute horseshit, no wonder even BoJo’s cuntaddled mind rejected it, on basic principles of goodness and logic.

Ah. Normal service has been resumed.


There is an article in the Guardian today about mental health and covid, but - I'm guessing cos of its dangerously seditious and sexily underground stance - we're not allowed to share stuff from that newspaper on here any more.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
There is an article in the Guardian today about mental health and covid, but - I'm guessing cos of its dangerously seditious and sexily underground stance - we're not allowed to share stuff from that newspaper on here any more.
Sufi must have got dumped by a woman who was writing for it. Only possibly explanation. Now we just need to work out who it was.

People who stuck by UK Covid rules have worst mental health, says survey​

Trauma of pandemic having lasting impact on people’s mental health three years on, research reveals

Denis Campbell Health policy editor
Tue 21 Nov 2023 09.50 CET
People who stuck by Covid lockdown rules the most strictly have the worst mental health today, research has found.

Those who followed the restrictions most closely when the pandemic hit are the most likely to be suffering from stress, anxiety and depression, academics at Bangor University have found.

They identified that people with “communal” personalities – who are more caring, sensitive and aware of others’ needs – adhered the most rigorously with the lockdown protocols that Boris Johnson and senior medics and scientists recommended.

However, people with “agentic” personalities – who are more independent, more competitive and like to have control over their lives – were least likely to exhibit those behaviours.

“The more individuals complied with health advice during lockdown, the worse their wellbeing post-lockdown,” concluded Dr Marley Willegers and colleagues.

The fear of catching Covid proved both an upside and a downside, they found. “While increasing individuals’ worry of infection can effectively drive compliance, it also has negative consequences on people’s wellbeing and recovery,” they said.

The researchers based their findings on a study of how compliant with the rules 1,729 people in Wales were during the first UK-wide lockdown in March to September 2020 and measures of stress, anxiety and depression found among them during February to May this year.

“Communal” types displayed the highest levels of continuing disturbance to their mental wellbeing. However, “agentic” people had been able to “bounce back” better from lockdown mode.

Willegers, an academic at Bangor University’s institute for the psychology of elite performance, said some people found it hard to make the transition from receiving regular exhortations about following public health advice during the pandemic to no advice when lockdown ended.

“Throughout the pandemic messaging campaigns were designed to ensure people continued to follow the rules. But there was no messaging campaign as we came out of the pandemic to help everyone safely transition back to normality.

“Without this, certain personality types have retained infection prevention behaviour and anxiety that undermines their mental wellbeing,” he added.

The enduringly poor mental health being experienced by people who adhered to the rules is “deeply disturbing”, the Centre for Mental Health thinktank said.

“The finding that people who complied with pandemic restrictions are more likely to have poorer mental health three years on is deeply disturbing.

“The fear, loss and trauma created by the pandemic are having a lasting impact on many people’s mental health. For some, this may have been exacerbated by the loss of social solidarity from seeing others not complying with the same restrictions,” said Andy Bell, its chief executive.

Experts say the widespread damage Covid did to mental health in Britain is the main reason demand for NHS psychological and psychiatric services has soared in recent years.

Mark Winstanley, the chief executive of the charity Rethink Mental Illness, said: “The early days of the pandemic were characterised by significant disruption, uncertainty and a lack of control, factors which can all fuel anxiety and low mood.

“It’s important to recognise that those who took the greatest steps to protect themselves and others have seen an enduring impact on their mental health.

“While many want to move on from the pandemic and life under lockdown, its legacy lives with many people to this day, as worries or concerns about our loved ones or the risks to our own health can’t be easily shaken off.”

Future government health advertising campaigns designed to change people’s behaviour should factor in the different personality types in the population, Willegers added.

“Campaigns need to highlight the personal costs and benefits involved, not just people’s responsibility to others,” he said.

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