
Cat Malogen
Talking of McCabe and Mrs Miller and its snow, imagine yourself as Richard Burton @version who got to work with


as risqué as decency allows on Dissensus female images


Well-known member
jesus christ i dont rate this poster i give in 1 out of 10. hes rubbish.

It's just because it's pretty much impossible to defen Islam, and anglos can't work around that. I could also say that I had a nice pint and a meal with Rudolf Hess or something, and that all nazis are not raging anti-semites or something like that. But that's incredibly stupid, innit? That's your position at this point.


Cat Malogen
Baltic Crusades, Protestant Reformation was a laugh, WWII and the Vatican, WW3 and Christian nationalism….

Anyway, the real challenge if finding a lass here, come on