
cat malogen

Bristol has its own ecosystem of terrible trousers, not poverty based more an end game of who can out-wear in the more ridiculous brackets

Gysin on the desert as heart

I alone of all these Assassins had ever been foolish enough to conceive of happiness… There is no friendship: there is no love. The desert knows only allies and accomplices. The heart, here, is all in the very moment. Everything is bump and flow; meet and good-by. Only the Brotherhood of Assassins ensures ritual continuity, if that is what you want and some do; for the lesson our zikr teaches is this: There are no Brothers.23

vershy versh

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The overarching malaise of technological progress is enervation, as the nervous system struggles to process ever diversifying alien stimuli.

"The massive volume of calculations being carried out by the bitcoin mining facility are causing glitches in the warp of the pythagorean-euclidean spacetime order that Yaldabaoth used to construct this realm. This in turn distresses the pneumatic souls incarcerated in flesh nearby"
A Twitter person