
The microwavé has started making clouds of acrid smoke and demented threatening buzzing noises that hasten me to the kitchennette for fear of something worse...
it's now plugged off and out of commission :( and i'm astonished at how integrated it is in my brain circuitry, i keep reaching for it mentally in order to reheat or heat things.... fair enough we are a busily eating household but it's quite surprising to me how much i miss it :( :(

this is not a shopping thread though (and i'm not that interested in the merits of the airfryer),
it is interesting how there are still people (my sibling) who will not have a microwave in their residence, and it's maybe a little bit interesting how tech has marched into the more mundane corners of our lives,
are you really telling me that i have to put the beans in the saucepan really


cat malogen
Dishwashers are grrrrrrrreat

Ironing is still a ritual I despise but if you want a fresh crisply ironed shirt you have to get stuck in and get on with it yourself


The microwavé has started making clouds of acrid smoke and demented threatening buzzing noises that hasten me to the kitchennette for fear of something worse...
it's now plugged off and out of commission :( and i'm astonished at how integrated it is in my brain circuitry, i keep reaching for it mentally in order to reheat or heat things.... fair enough we are a busily eating household but it's quite surprising to me how much i miss it :( :(
Why not put your wife there? She'll be glad of the attention.


Well-known member
there was once a story in "The News of The World' which is now lost to time, as in I can not locate it on the internet, that went into detail how Bob Monkhouse's "Joke Archive" was obliterated by a faulty microwave which frazzled the hard disk containing his extensive collection of 'jokes'