The weigh in


bandz ahoy


Cat Malogen
christmas, or more accurately from November on, getting heartier breakfasts in increases but that doesn’t mean extra carbs, unless I maintain protein and bike it would get up to 15

Americans (not the stereotype) have Thanksgiving in November THEN christmas, wtf, staggering commitment to bowel-blocking protein levels and more carbs than you’d think possible through the perversion of the potato

fair do’s to The Dudes though for weathering such an almighty avalanche of garbage, not that they need it but Gus and Stan are def Whole Foods shoppers ..


bandz ahoy
Went to the GP today

Big blow - I'm not even 5'8". I'm arguably even 5'6".

Looked up my revised BMI and I need to be at max 11 stone 5 to squeeze into the "healthy" zone.

Benny Bunter

Well-known member
Just done the conversion from metric to imperial, and it turns out I'm exactly 6 foot tall and 12 stone - surely the ideal Pythagorean ratio.