
MI5 and union interference (plus interference in much broader aspects of domestic political organisation) is hardly news

As for Anglo-Saxon common sense, for us in the north and west this is an older, inside joke again

Someone tweet that cunt a slap
I read the French refer to their equivalent as "Norman wisdom" - I'm not joking.


pass the sick bucket
The general attitude on dissensus and in the radio 4 listening guardian reading population at large is that all events are random and meaningless and any pattern detected is either coincidental or is imposed by the observer.

It involves a complete rejection of any search for meaning or purpose. In that sense it's of a piece with scientific atheism, ie, the modern enlightened viewpoint.

It's incurious and breeds complacency even if it's correct. The paranoiac says if the world is this way there are probably people who want it this way and are invested in keeping it this way.

Don't think thats correct at all. In fact it's really quite wrong as to the mindset of the conspiracist.

Also, scientific atheism is inherent to religion itself.


Well-known member
But that doesn't give you carte blanch to second guess my teachings. You will only succeed in confusing the class. They need clarity and a firm hand.


pass the sick bucket
Conspiracism appears then as a contestation of the dominant order, almost like a class struggle. But this is not the case. Just as anti-Semitism was the socialism of fools, conspiracism is the class struggle of experts who are not situated anywhere in particular, not in society, nor along a politico-ideological spectrum.
The “conspiracist response” wants exactly the same world, the same state, but rid of the “caste”: it “imagines the world without it.” It is only a question of preserving all of the elements of this society by extracting them from the practices of these “malicious” and “manipulative” individuals who pervert and corrupt them; real wages, real education, real healthcare, real democracy, real information, real agriculture, real consumption, real economy, a real state.
Conspiracism criticizes everything, desiring that what exists should become “true”. But by conceiving its object as a “dark side” and demonic hijacking, this criticism turns it into a simple accident of the same world. In doing so, it affirms only that it wants the world to continue as it is. The whole of what exists could be so beautiful were it not manipulated and misappropriated. The dominant class, its reproduction, its practices, the pursuit of its interests, ideological production – all are no longer the natural product of all the social relations that the conspiracist wants to preserve. Instead we find the intrigues of a gang of thugs trying to take us for fools. The conspiracist is clever, an expert in everything. It is remarkable to note (there have been a few studies on the subject) that conspiracism affects first and foremost a middle class holding degrees, one that boasts about its “critical spirit” and wears it everywhere on its sleeve. For those who on a daily basis experience all the humiliation and misery of capitalist social relations, the “conspiracy” to enslave our freedom makes little sense. Having to love this world, we don’t want it to lie to us.



pass the sick bucket
But that doesn't give you carte blanch to second guess my teachings. You will only succeed in confusing the class. They need clarity and a firm hand.

actually, nasreddin hoca would disagree. Every good sufi is a master at confusion. just ask our very own @sufi

All teaching is an act. and I am your foil. You need me.


Wild Horses
The annoying thing about that Tweet is it doesn't differentiate. Are their some conspiracies - sure. Politics is essentially conspiratorial in my view, in that it involves small groups of people trying to produce outcomes while often hiding motivations, interests, alliances.

Does it follow that all conspiracies are true? God no.

The interesting thing is where you differentiate and why.

Also, it kinda implies that current conspiracy mania is to be celebrated which I think is debatable to say the least.


Well-known member
Im definitely celebrating it because it represents the collapse of established truth. Collateral damage always regrettable of course.


The more uncertainty, the more speculation - the former prompts the latter from those who want to make some sense of the world.