Standardized path coefficients, 95% confidence intervals and exact p-values are presented. Loneliness 1–3 and Conspiracy 1–5 denote the observed indicators (items) used to measure, respectively, loneliness and conspiracy worldview. T1–T5 denote five timepoints at which loneliness was measured. Measurement models of loneliness are displayed in light blue, second order latent constructs of the growth model of loneliness are displayed in dark blue, and the measurement model of conspiracy beliefs in pink. All correlations between the intercept and slopes, as well as correlations of residuals of equivalent items measuring loneliness at different timepoints, were also estimated but are not visualized for model readability. All
p-values are two-tailed and based on the
z statistic. Since the analysis is a latent growth curve model with one outcome, adjustments for multiple comparisons are not applicable. See Table
1 for detailed model estimates.