Would they? That always blows my mind that people always get spotted when they upload stuff, I just feel that there is sooooo much out there thar the odds are against any particular person seeing any particular video.
Anyway my friend's face is not in it so he's not really worried about that. I think it's just a couple (well 5) of kinda hot home videos and he feels that it might actually be a good thing for someone who was always really shy about that sort of thing to have that kind of video just out there.
One thing I read recently is that Spotify is having the effect of causing people to create shorter tunes, the reason being that you need to have a certain percentage of the tune played to get money for it, so if you make a tune that is one minute long then 15 seconds will be 25% and count as a listen. I guess format has always dictated things in that way, at least since single releases have had to fit on a seven inch.
And fitting a seven inch leads me neatly back to the topic in hand (as it were); similarly if you load up one video and you get paid a penny for a million views or whatever, it makes sense to split the video into bits so if people are keen to see the whole thing then you gonna get several views instead of one. And then probably it makes sense to load the vids to loads of sites right, though who knows how much traffic they each get?
I remember reading that Redtube was the most popular porn site cod they had the simple/brilliant idea of not having "porn" in the title so it could sit safely in your history. But these days it's always Pornhub you hear about right? I guess people just don't give a shit any more just like how seems most women don't feel embarrassed about owning a vibrator or whatever.