An old black guy walking down Flatbush Avenue wearing camo pants and a camo hat, a t-shirt (I think it was blue) and army boots, carrying a black bin bag. As we passed he turned and said to me, "I wanna go to Iraq so bad, my dick hurts."

He was like a pedestrian from Grand Theft Auto.

Jim Daze

Well-known member
John Fruscante spending two and a half grand on records in the notting hill music and video exchange rarities section, he got the legendary 10% discount you get if you spend over a grand (reserved for rock stars and japanese only) still only amounted to about a racks worth of vinyl, I snivelled off with an Abwarts record and the Danielle Dax Peel sessions, which is crap. (3 quid though)

Jim Daze

Well-known member
oh yeah and a guy sitting on a bench by the canal rapping the words

"Laura Ashley, Hennes, Top Shop, yeah were shopping" ?

Retail Rap anyone?
On the bridge over the danube, budapest, two filthy workmen pushing mudwater with witch-style brooms into an iron-wheeled cart, watched by a zero-legged pigeon with a blob of chewing gum for a foot.

Also, by budapest train station, many tramps sitting on boulders observing chess match between two of them. one man not watching, instead he's reading a book on calculus. policeman with gun looks on.
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Well-known member
rabbits on the greenway,beckton

a staff chasing a whippet on the greenway,plaistow
the whippet found it well funny, the staff was wheezing


Beast of Burden


Well-known member
a group of about 20 ten year olds in army uniform,marching to the orders of a bellowing middle aged man.
in woolwich.

more rabbits. theres rabbits everywhere.


Crackin Skulls
these are pretty much the only things i've been noticing for the past week or so.

obesity. people who're too beautiful. people who're too ugly. my own narcissism.

all of which bother me. so yes, the past couple days have been a little uncomfortable. :D

In Moll

Active member
On sunday I saw a bunch of folks in the park with rollerskates on participating in what could only be described as a 'skate-off', but the important part is they had a boom-box blaring chicago house, and one guy had blinking lights in his rollerskate wheels which blinked quicker as his wheels rolled faster. hot!!


Ads on the top of bus-stops.

People cleaning windows with 40 foot long poles which squirt water instead of using the old ladders and sponges.

2 Shane Lynch wannabes waiting at a bus-stop wearing 'scarface' cotton tracksuits - one in pastel pink, the other in baby blue.

Chef Napalm

Lost in the Supermarket
There is, right this minute, a peacock in my garden!

Of course my camera is with my wife and daughter on a field trip.


Well-known member
french people - in general - wear the most appalling shoes... cf. well off man in a nicely cut suit wearing grey faux-patent leather trainers... eek!


there are no accidents
absolutely nothing out of the ordinary - in light of all the peak oil / environmental disasters / imminent economic collapse we've been reading about - strictly business as usual here in the heart of Hollywood


not just an addiction

Spring, in Chicago, for at least a month.

This is unheard of. We go from Winter to Summer, or as many people call it "Construction", in the span of a couple of days.

But a month or so of Spring? Weird.


This is a weird one. Every day I go to work and back on the 242 bus from Hackney to New Oxford Street and sit on the top deck. On top of many of the bus stops between the West End and Kingsland Road on both sides of the road someone has placed a peculiar object - something that is about the same size as and looks like a plastic potato with a load of brightly coloured plastic pins sticking out of it. I'm wondering if it's some kind of art project or something because I can't think of any other explanation.


Well-known member
Snake! Snake!

My daughter found a Slow Worm in the garden. I've always wanted to see one so was very pleased.