I simply don't get simplistic emotionalism...
this brings up an old can of worms for me... I'm almost afraid to say it - because every time I do people come at me with sharp objects - I think in art formalism is a higher pursuit than emotionalism.
because it is so much easier to appeal to emotions, to push people's buttons emotionally (the tried and true triggers work so well, every time), than to make something with formal integrity and innovation. (incidentally I think some greek philosopher said something similar...)
of course, the best art has both, and perfectly marries formal innovation and heart-felt emotional content.
If I was a major label A&R I would be attempting to break something with a real Unique Selling Point right now, the market would be open for such a thing...
maybe you should be?
No, I was making fun of the girl's attitudes, not yours. I'm agreeing with you.Rellllaaaaaxxxx
sorry. my bad. (putting down the 9)