CERN Large Hadron Collider big bang experiment


Well-known member
Has anyone managed to view the live feed?

All seems to be going well so far anyhow, according to this:

09:33 BST
That's it, they've made it. One lap down. Scientists have just pulled the last block from the 17-mile-long tunnel and seen the beam of protons appear at the last stage of the Large Hadron Collider. So protons have now circulated once around the machine.
And the earth hasn't been swallowed up by a black hole just yet. :cool:

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
And the earth hasn't been swallowed up by a black hole just yet. :cool:

That's because all they've done so far is circulate the beams - the first collisions aren't due for another few weeks. Plenty of time yet for SCIENCEAGEDDON! :D

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Haha, some retard on the bbc's HYS is claiming "Einstein was wrong" about how nothing can go faster than light, as the two beams are travelling at 99.9999...% the speed of light and collide head on so each beam's speed relative to the other is 199.99..98% the speed of light. He ends "Q.E.D", which as everyone knows automatically makes you correct. :rolleyes:


Just been looking at that - this is my favourite so far:

"At last we move one step closer to first contact.
Without this experiment, those watching us from "above", will continue to be passive observers.
The sooner we, as a civilisation, move on, the close the time comes when we can join the rest of the galaxy and become the peace loving, inter-glactic star travelling humans we where meant to be."
Hmm, it's by someone calling himself Arnold Lane - could be a joke I guess although all the names are silly pseudonyms so I'm assuming not.

matt b

Indexing all opinion
even for HYS, some of those comments are idiotically stupid.

The next time anyone does an experiment such as this, could they keep it off the news until it is completed. I had a night of hysterical children convinced the world was going to end at 10am this morning. Totally irresponsible when the majority of the population doesnt give a hoot what eccentric scientists get up to, wasting billions of pounds in the meantime.

Stephen Ferguson, Girvan, United Kingdom

Was not the Titanic called "the most complicated and ambitious" ship ever built? Years passed and the tower of Babyl lives on. What will come out of it this time? I guess it is not thought wise to trust the Bible these days, yet theories and experiments pass away, and it still remains number one bestseller... What can I say? Lord I unscientifically and old fashionably still trust in You!

Anastasia Kharina, Russia


The next time anyone does an experiment such as this, could they keep it off the news until it is completed. I had a night of hysterical children convinced the world was going to end at 10am this morning. Totally irresponsible when the majority of the population doesnt give a hoot what eccentric scientists get up to, wasting billions of pounds in the meantime.

Stephen Ferguson, Girvan, United Kingdom

I remember as a little kid, asking my dad if there could still be a nuclear war even though the cold war had ended. He just shrugged and said "Yeah maybe, by accident or something. Who knows?"


Looks as though that comments thing has degenerated into a load of people pretending to be kids scared of dying.

"i think it is terrible becuse they are killing every one!! i am only 8!!! and they are 45?
melissa mcparland, scotland"
Maybe degenerated isn't the right word actually.


I could read this stuff all day:

"So, they decide to simulate the Big Bang at 09.30 GMT today underground and by 11.00 GMT there is a 6.1 strength earthquake in Iran. Coincidence or accident, I wonder? Di Mac"


This woman seems to have missed the point of what they're trying to achieve

"this experiment is a complete waste of time. we cannot destroy the whole earth, only God can.
Grace, London"

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I am all for experipents in order for us to understand the universe but did we have to spend so much money????????????????

[angelwulf], Brighton, United Kingdom

Good point, angelwulf - the scientists could probably have done it just as well with a few simple household items. The huge expensive machines are just for show because they all have tiny cocks.

This Is So Stupid Because Could Of Killed Us All What A WASTE Of Money Could Of Been Used On Something A Lot Better!!!!

Amy, Bristol

The guy who writes ifyoulikeitsomuch... is going to have a field day with this.
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I wonder how much of that stuff is real. Do you think that there are a load of people trying to out do each other in stupidity sending in increasingly weird rants and assuming that everyone except themself is in deadly earnest?


I know it's (even more of) a digression but it's really interesting to me the weird anti-science bias of the people contributing to that "have your say" thing. Even discounting the religious wackos there seems to be a huge distrust and dislike of scientists and even of the very idea that it is worth trying to find out about things that we don't know - a common theme seems to be simply "what is the point?". A lot of the posts are saying things about how the only purpose of the experiment is to stroke the egos of these evil (and reckless) scientists. I'm amazed that there is such a virulent dislike of people who have done nothing more than follow their interests to become experts in their field. I simply don't understand why ignorance is so highly prized by a large proportion of people and used almost proudly as a weapon.


This is good

Stop the LHC - until we know it's SAFE!
Citizens Against The Large Hadron Collider is a non-profit organization established for the purpose of using legal action to prevent the operation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) until further safety tests are conducted.
The LHC is a particle accelerator located on the France/Switzerland border; it has been dubbed the largest, most expensive, most powerful experiment ever attempted, certainly dwarfing all particle colliders ever built before, both in terms of size and power.
Some experts fear that the risk of operating the LHC disproportionately outweighs anything science might gain from this experiment. It is not possible to know what the outcome of the experiment will be, but even CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) scientists concede that there is a real possibility of creating destructive theoretical anomalies such as miniature black holes, strangelets and deSitter space transitions. These events have the potential to fundamentally alter matter and destroy our planet.