Are the Chems sposed to make you breathe faster and get the whole thing over quicker? Horrible choice.
You could've had some combiination of the two, with the
up-tempo Billy Stewart version of Summertime. Your girl would've come out yodelling.
I think they just had a chems CD in the operating theatre, I imagine for their own amusement when someone was completely knocked out.
Categorically one of the best days of my life, anyway. I do take on board nomad's point upthread about parents being condescending - there are genuinely people out there who are completely defined by parenthood and who think you are somehow less of a person if you haven't had kids.
I suspect these are the same sorts of people who seem to think it is reasonable to ask me and my partner when/if we will be having a second child on an almost weekly basis.
Which makes it very polarised because the natural response to that is to say that having kids isn't for everyone and that some people have more fulfilling lives precisely because they haven't got kids etc. Which makes for a bit of an unbridgeabe chasm maybe, especially once you stir in stuff like societal expectations and the biological clock and so on.
Which is one of the reasons I don't really go on about family stuff in "subcultural" circles.
Classic Dissensus Dad-to-be behaviour, putting together a playlist for the birth when the woman is doing all the carrying around, the hormonal turbulence and then the pushing and stuff.