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  1. shiels


    better than the book club we never do for obvious reasons. rules: read story and review and reflect and show off, the person with the best response is chosen by story sharer to choose next one
  2. shiels


    Simon changes his tune and does the animating idea at the heart of the forum have to shift accordingly?
  3. shiels

    The accelerating commodification of irishness

    Have a few thoughts on this which I’ll explore later but what do you think?
  4. shiels

    Michael Jackson

    Good tunes
  5. shiels

    Do you like people?

    It’s hard isn’t it. I’m jealous if people who can settle and invest when I have to bounce around and skim. I do have lots of people k I love deeply but there’s nobody that doesn’t have something I desperately need to escape from after maybe 2 or 3 hours
  6. shiels

    Otis reading - these arms of mine

    Fuck sake
  7. shiels

    Skipping with a man is the best I’ve ever felt

    Tonight I held my good friends hand and skipped down a pleasant sloping hill. We were both drunk. It was the best I’ve felt in a long time and i was crying with laughter. I recommend that you hold someone’s hand and skip together soon it’s really beautiful. It was actually too funny to continue...
  8. shiels


    Who is watching and obsessed? It’s the best thing on TV in years. The writing is up there with The Office and Sopranos and this final season has been flawless, making me empathise with the worst people in the world.
  9. shiels

    Comedian press shots

  10. shiels

    Write a short story

    let’s play a game. We nominate someone to write a story between 500-1000 words Max 20 word brief. Once you finish you can nominate next person. Next person has to feature one character from previous story I nominate @suspended Your brief: a beautiful Californian tech worker doesn’t know if...
  11. shiels

    4 day week

    I’ve been banging on about this for years and had Mondays off since 2019, compressed hours though. Arguments against are looking thinner with each pilot
  12. shiels

    Climate change and death of the earth

    How afraid are you and what are you doing about it? @thirdform
  13. shiels


  14. shiels

    do you have an inner monologue?

    tell me how it works
  15. shiels

    Words and phrases to cancel

    Former and latter - most of the time I have to go back to read the order you mentioned the things just because you want to sound clever - just repeat the things. Now you'll say ah but what if the are two complicated arguments without a name, its handy to summarise. NO write a better paragraph...
  16. shiels


    Point me in the right direction
  17. shiels

    idm song

    What are your favs
  18. shiels

    The evolution of emotion

    Two visionaries have made bold claims about the development of human emotions Self-described marxist terrorist @thirdform claims that it’s now impossible to love: World bard and very bold boy @luka screeches emotions don't exist anymore! What do they mean? Is this just solipsistic or...
  19. shiels

    Nature is a racist concept

    Do you agree In many public statements, conferences and interviews, you have declared that nature is a racist concept. Can you explain this idea? In reality it is simple! Nature, as I have already said, should be different from culture or society or that which is human. This clear distinction...
  20. shiels

    Twitter style and tone

    Do you hate it like me. What do you hate most? This hate is a feature not bug isn’t it? what does thinking in tweets do to people? There’s something very dishonest. Is that about a collapse of nuance?