s e x





i'm gonna be a hostess at a fucking italian restaurant for the rest of my life. after my unemployment benefits run out.


heavy heavy monster sound
I'm afraid I just don't see the point, I think you should stop being such a girl and do music like you wanna lol.

D'yer know what I mean? So may of the ladies I know have opted into having good jobs who were muc more talented than I am, it's just that I keep on doing it.


D'yer know what I mean? So may of the ladies I know have opted into having good jobs who were muc more talented than I am, it's just that I keep on doing it.

i got sick of being 'talented' early though because i was made to play beethoven sonatas in competition like a trained monkey from the time i was little

haha your avatar is striking me as particularly insane and rad right now


heavy heavy monster sound
i got sick of being 'talented' early though because i was made to play beethoven sonatas in competition like a trained monkey from the time i was little

haha your avatar is striking me as particularly insane and rad right now

Don't get me started on Michael Jackson, that's when I knew I'd chosen the wrong course....I gotta go to bed xxx

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
Don't remind me! People also try to say that schizophrenia (because it cropped up as a form of resistance to capitalism) is DERIVED from capitalism.
OK, I know that's a joke but I think you're being a bit unfair to twoc just because 'derived' isn't exactly the correct term. It can just mean 'a product of'.

I don't think I've ever read Maxim but I get the gist.


what's sad is that the happiest i've ever been was when i worked at a five-star wedding resort. i made bank, came home sleepy and actually having had quite a physically exhausting day, and had the whole day to myself until 5:30PM every day.


OK, I know that's a joke but I think you're being a bit unfair to twoc just because 'derived' isn't exactly the correct term. It can just mean 'a product of'.

I don't think I've ever read Maxim but I get the gist.

No, the guy is spouting the most obviously reactionary bullshit: if a thinker is radical enough, push him to the end of the spectrum, hoping his thought will bend far enough and meet fascism on the other side.

It's ridic.

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
No, the guy is spouting the most obviously reactionary bullshit: if a thinker is radical enough, push him to the end of the spectrum, hoping his thought will bend far enough and meet fascism on the other side.

It's ridic.
Hmm, claiming that 'I think [d&g] have an intense admiration for capitalism as a process' does seem like a big projection but I'm still not sure what he was getting at really. I thought he was criticising them at first but maybe I was just reading way too generously.

Sick Boy

All about pride and egos
Third: Most men KNOW the girl on the "top" of their ladder is nowhere near attainable. After they grow up and realize this, then they realize that they want to hang out with fun people, not some girl who is going to turn her nose up at him.

I don't believe in unattainable girls.
Unless they already know and don't like you, or have a patrol of bodyguards wherever they go, they aren't unattainable.

Well, at least I don't believe that they are unattainable simply based on their looks or solely any other reason they may be at the "top of your ladder."


there are no accidents
Do you know when someone is attracted to you?

yeah me too. it's not that hard to tell. (isn't that a song?) the problem is most, women do not have the balls to act on it. the irrational and senseless stigma of being a slut i think accounts for a large percentage of the world's unhappiness. at least my own.

I don't entirely believe in this but often times as a woman you are kidding yourself if you think a guy is happy to just be your friend.

yes that old adage... in my case it's true i think. with exceptions.

I know just as many men who are attracted to power and who keep dog ugly girls around just to feel pursued as anybody.

this is not attraction to power. this is wanting power. the opposite of women. see the difference?

I am pretty disappointed that I never got around to fucking any professors.

me too!!! it's so true that what you end up regretting are things you DIDN'T do.

just reading the ladder theory a bit... pretty depressing because it lays out the innerworking of attraction in its quotidian tedium... how fucking boring :(


there are no accidents
"Fight Club is a film about men. These men have started a club that likes to fight and it represents the internal struggles of being men in our saciety."

this made me bust up for a good few minutes.

men are psychotic because of the restrictive masculine roles they have been asigned, and the "ridic" expectations to live up to normalized standards. i will attempt at a list of (all the usual)reasons:

1. not allowed to show feelings (cry)

2. not alllowed to be (non-sexually) affectionate with eachother so end up neurotically focusing on getting all of their needs met by women; and projecting all of their desires and self worth and frustrations onto women.

3. taught to keep all feelings inside, and when absolutely can't stand it any longer, lash out in violent fits.

4. damn i'm too tired. someone else continue...


there are no accidents
it's a points system, so if you quote your mate and you get published in a journal, then if you're part of the system and you're teaching at that, then you can get more money for your course via this points system of quotes, it opened my eyes as to history - who gets remembered where and why

ah yes one of my favorite topics: the politically motivated construction of history and the arbituariness of everything.

the list i really need to make is one of the false beliefs we have been taught to believe in...


Darned cockwombles.
Please don't tell me anyone was taking Fight Club seriously. The most pretentious film Antonioni never made? Possibly.

As Zhao says, men are assigned incredibly restrictive roles in society, then told that they need to be something completely different instead (caring, emotional etc), THEN told that, y'know, that's not really that attractive, and we'd kind of like you to be a bit neanderthal...

Don't get me started... :slanted:

men are psychotic because of the restrictive masculine roles they have been asigned, and the "ridic" expectations to live up to normalized standards. i will attempt at a list of (all the usual)reasons:

1. not allowed to show feelings (cry)

2. not alllowed to be (non-sexually) affectionate with eachother so end up neurotically focusing on getting all of their needs met by women; and projecting all of their desires and self worth and frustrations onto women.

3. taught to keep all feelings inside, and when absolutely can't stand it any longer, lash out in violent fits.

4. damn i'm too tired. someone else continue...


the abyss
in my experience e is both a third-tier hallucinogen and a third-tier amphetamine

but more importantly, its a first grade empathogen with a depth and clarity that is matched by no other drug, especially not crap like acid - which is very much regarded as a neophyte kind of experience over here.


Darned cockwombles.
ah yes one of my favorite topics: the politically motivated construction of history and the arbituariness of everything.

the list i really need to make is one of the false beliefs we have been taught to believe in...

There was a lovely little digression on this in the book I've just read - Christian Jungersen's 'The Exception' (can't recommend it highly enough), referring to the ways in which the Russian/Soviet genocide against Germanic peoples after WWII has been virtually written out of history.