ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
Woebot went to school with him and said he was pretty odd,

who was there when i was at school was jacob rees-mogg. his house was beside mine. people used to come to my room and throw wet loo-roll out of the window at him as he entered that building below. jacob used to walk around, a rod for a back, with an umbrella at all times. i think he used to have a poster of margaret thatcher on his wall. at all times he was robotic and spoke to people (not arrogantly as such) as though they were infantile. honestly i don't think he would be a healthy choice for the kind of person to be prime minister.


Well his dad wrote a book about how to make a killing while a society/economy is collapsing.

View attachment 12607

I think that this book has been reported on quite a lot over the last few years. Never felt the urge to actually go out and read it though for some reason.

Woebot went to school with him and said he was pretty odd,

Yeah I'll bed, I always wonder if this sort of thing in which you make yourself a caricature is some kind of defence mechanism... but it's hard to imagine that it would be something that would work at such a young age. Does that make sense? I don't really know why I say that, it's just instinctive I suppose, I sort of feel that if people bullied you for being a weird tory boy you might play up to that to anticipate it and dodge it but I get the impression that making himself into this weird parody came very young indeed, even before any such bullying you'd have thought.

Funny thing in that video when he is a kid, what he said actually sounded more sound than some of the ludicrous leaps of logic I've heard him say in parliament without even batting an eyelid. I guess the point is, when you are defending the indefensible (Brexit, Johnson etc) you have to say things that don't make sense, and obviously he has no problem whatsoever with lying to the oiks, he probably feels they are too poor to deserve the truth or something and so he can lie to them with a clear conscience.
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Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Having realised that blaming the UK's every ill on a Labour government that ended over 12 years ago doesn't quite cut it any more, here's the reliably shit Daniel Hannannannan blaming the current market meltdown and tanking pound on a putative, future Labour government - even though there doesn't have to be a general election until January 2025.



What I don't get is why so many tories are OBSESSED with immigrants; they hate to see any foreigner land on our shore, they are all over twitter demanding they be sent back or packed off to Rwanda or simply cheering when they die. What is it that makes them think that immigrants are so bad for the country and what on earth makes it so easily to dehumanise people to such an extent that they can happily deny them any human rights or the very basic respect that even the slightest level of decency should guarantee? How did they get quite so fucked up and why is it that desperate and helpless people - often children or babies - have bear the brunt of it?

What kind of sick psycho comes out with something like this?



I don't fight, I run away
Keith and his centrist crew are complete shit and are doing everything they possibly can to deter me from voting for them.

Except that, more than anything else, I want to see the Tories wiped out. Absolutely fucking destroyed.

By comparison, the shitness of Keith pales almost into insignificance.


Seeing loads of things on twitter saying basically this

Would urge anyone thinking of voting Labour at the next GE to have a chat with someone who recalls life under Labour, during their brief spells in charge, before getting kicked out, leaving the country in a total mess. Think of Abbott as Home Secretary and Lammy Foreign Secretary

The message from central HQ is clearly to desperately beg everyone not to vote labour. They are managing to not write the same thing every time at least - but still it seems like a strategy that is gonna misfire cos it draws attention to the fact that after twelve years in power the Tories have achieved nothing, the best they have to offer is scare stories about labour. Also, every post of this nature draws hundreds of replies from people showing metric after metric in which the labour government outperformed this Tory one - again, I guess why they just say "a mess" there is nothing concrete that they can say.

This is the kind of thing that has worked for them in the past but it does feel to me a bit like the mid 90s, when years of a horrendous Tory government were coming to an end and nothing could stop it. I think this government is done, so we'll have Labour for a bit before another few decades of Tories i guess...

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
The idea of Abbott, of all people, being given a cabinet role in a Labour government led by Starmer - let alone one as important as Home Sec - is pretty bizarre.
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Well-known member
That's some ballsy PR spin: don't pay attention to the last 12 years we've been in power and responsible for getting us where we are today. Think about how bad it was back in the day of the vuvuzela!
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bandz ahoy
What I don't get is why so many tories are OBSESSED with immigrants; they hate to see any foreigner land on our shore, they are all over twitter demanding they be sent back or packed off to Rwanda or simply cheering when they die. What is it that makes them think that immigrants are so bad for the country and what on earth makes it so easily to dehumanise people to such an extent that they can happily deny them any human rights or the very basic respect that even the slightest level of decency should guarantee? How did they get quite so fucked up and why is it that desperate and helpless people - often children or babies - have bear the brunt of it?

What kind of sick psycho comes out with something like this?

I don't think they actually believe anything tbh, they're just dancing to the tune of the tabloids (and nowadays the alt-right youtubers)


Well-known member
it's pretty easy for me to see why people hate immigrants. i doesn't take a lot of imagination imo.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I've seen people say that if TC were a left-wing Labour minister, then a certain sort of person would think it was pretty based that the woman in charge of the country's health policy was obese and obviously enjoyed a drink and a smoke. Which is probably true - but the more important thing about her is that she's consistently voted against good health policies and in favour of terrible ones.