98% of grime, all of garage (and jungle obv) I heard after the fact, out of chronological order. so I get it's different from people who were recording pirate sets every week. don't think that makes my take less valid, just different. very few people into krautrock were actually in Germany in the early 70s either.
yeah, not at all less valid. i wasn't making a value judgment either way. it was more trying to identify this general feeling, that i think i share with several others i know stateside who are nuum fans, that having experienced the music at a distance (both in space and time) 'the big hits' whether from 92 or 02 - the tracks that dominated the radio, that everyone was talking about - don't have that same inherent presence in my memory, or any kind of pavlovian pleasure response. whereas, when it comes to the neptunes and timbaland, for example, i would definitely feel a connection to 'the hits' cause i heard them so much when they were released and shared that experience with everyone around me. (i didn't really know anyone listening to grime in 04 either - though i was incessantly on soulseek and limewire looking for it, usually unsuccessfully)
sometimes i think grime doesnt get purer than oddz/eastwood.
yeah, oddz/eastwood (and black ops, as well) feel kind of like the hardcore punk of grime. black ops has always been the black flag of grime to me...
also, huge props to benny for this, it's awesome, very excited to see the top 5.
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