

Well-known member
Bobby Bisto
1 hr ·

Mark Fisher got me a copy of A Thousand Plateaus and I sold it almost immediately, partly out of spite, partly out of frustration. I bought it again and I haven't read it much but I do, and the chapter that sticks with me, that I'm reading again now, is the BwO chapter. You can botch it. But you can also reassemble it, or at the very least, can make modifications, and sea test it, and botch it again, probably, and burn it to the ground, again
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1 Michael Steven
Bobby Bisto
Bobby Bisto Chaste encounter/lightly lingering touch
experienced as promise. The Return.
Mad with wanting/and the swallows all fled/...See more
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· Reply · 53 mins
Bobby Bisto
Bobby Bisto I
heaps of holes/porous membrane/thought forms
leak/into aether/the connective tissue/...See more
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Bobby Bisto
Bobby Bisto how to make a craft for terran c0nditions that will allow for optimum frequency band. intensity and sensitivity
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· Reply · 41 mins
Bobby Bisto
Bobby Bisto this is the aim of the game
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Bobby Bisto
Bobby Bisto so you keep getting it wrong so each time you try to re-enter at a different trajectory
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· Reply · 39 mins
Bobby Bisto
Bobby Bisto tweaking the ratios
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Bobby Bisto
Bobby Bisto if you turn up the danger dial to heroic the colours grow more deep, the world takes on a different hue
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· Reply · 37 mins
Bobby Bisto
Bobby Bisto but who can do that, knowing what we know now
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Bobby Bisto
Bobby Bisto Just How Overpowered is the Zann Consortium? (Land)
•...See more
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Bobby Bisto
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Bobby Bisto
1 hr ·

Vladislav Delay - Nesso
chain reaction 30
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1 Lee Kirk Fagan
Bobby Bisto
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Bobby Bisto
1 hr ·
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Bobby Bisto
Bobby Bisto Ain Soph etc
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· Reply · 1 hr
Bobby Bisto
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Bobby Bisto
1 hr ·

sorry my mistake
Manuel Göttsching - Inventions For Electric Guitar (1974) - ''Echo Waves''
Track 1 - "Echo Waves" (17:42)
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1 Simon Reynolds
Bobby Bisto
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Well-known member
This... ...seems wrong.




thread death
Lovely moment last night with my son who is off to Warwick to study politics - we were going through his reading list and Mark's first book was on there as a recommendation. Nice to see his alma mater remembering its illustrious student but also nice to be able to pass the book on to my boy. I know - hideously sentimental and Mark would admonish me for such but, you know...


Well-known member
I hope they dont turn him into a kurt cobain, ian curtis posterboy for depression and untimely death. Theres been worrying signs. His whole project was about finding the exit. I think we should continue that work. Find the way out of this impasse. It can be done.


tell your friends
Very, very late to this. I haven't been on this site for years and randomly thought about Mark Fisher today only to learn the awful news. Like others, I came straight here. RIP

It's nice to see this place still alive and kicking. Just logging back in has brought back fond memories of this forum, the wider music blogosphere that was so vital and where I was at that time of my life. Just wish it didn't take something so sad to trigger me to come back. RIP k-punk


been reading his collected works, actually (how i came here). only ever checked out mark very recently, someone i didn't really know on twitter, shortly before i deactivated that account, dm'd me a copy of capitalist realism (deep assignment?). but it's been very weird to find the huge impact ccru and k-punk had on the music i love and online communities i've been in and out of and having been completely oblivious to it. i agree that his suicide makes 'the search for an exit' even more urgent. we all have to continue this project together, we can't rely on one figure to 'lead the way' for us.


Active member
It’s been over two years, and I still struggle to wrap my head around this. It’s odd—I’ve struggled with depression myself, and I understand that it produces in the mind thoughts that’s makes no sense, or that are attached to reality but in a sort of sinister and incomplete way.

But I keep returning to Mark, looking for some reason. I wonder what was going through his mind, whether it was general circumstances or something specific. Of course it’s none of my business, and I really don’t want to know—because it’s someone else’s life (the life of his family, those who knew him). But it does haunt me.