One could also say that nootropics and fitness supplements fall into this scheme. Once pharmaceuticals were stolen bought and sold so that people could escape reality... uppers, downers, benzos, dissociatives etc... But now people illegally buy nootropics (drugs mostly derived from Alzheimer research) so that they can work more effectively, nootropics increase vigilance and, it is claimed, cognitive ability. Nootropic-jacked suit business cultures are essentially a total reversal of Mod culture... rather than work the day job and take amphetamines to get the most out of the weekend people take nootropics to get the most out of their (temporally porous, e.g. emails in bed) working week.
The fitness fad takes a similar form, all pills and powders - but not so that the user can escape their reality (a la LSD use...) but so that they can hone their frames into heteronormative ideals. And, of course, why not? Attention and cognition are depleted in the service of The Man. Workers have no agency over their attention or cerebral capacities as these are spent after a day of convoluted communique (ironically enough business speak does resemble Deleuzian jargon) so why not take control over the body instead? You can't control your mind when the working day is done but your pecs are still within your agency.