
Well-known member
Until recently (and possibly still) DCU = the Poundland MCU.

I'm all for more Marvel after watching WandaVision.

Afaict, Marvel feels like it always had the something more topical in it's original wave of comics - Fantastic Four - created due to radiation exposure while in space , the everloving Hulk- zapped on purpose - on the testing grounds and
X Men - perpetual outsiders who humans may just never - trust.
Avengers were never great as a comic, the story lines strained to allow for fights between competing factions, on TV the comic anime series was not great either.
But Marvel sure pushed them ... right through Black Panther, into Black Widow spin offs, into Wandavision.
The Vision by Neal Adams i think it was .. was something in his original form.

DC's Superman - always felt they had that America Brand stuck right on,
marvel's Captain America too of course, they pushed that brand through the Avengers movies into this last incarnation with the new guy - more working class slightly odd fit costume to 'end of Capt. ?'
Batman of course got some glorious remakes thanks to Tim Burton , Christopher Nolan and then a raft of others.
Once we had the dark Bat, every other got shaded, darker.

I liked the Superman reboots, possibly only due to the casting of Cavill who seems just great in the role, at least the 2 i saw.
2021 ? yeah , an array of new X Men- what with the female Wolverine coming
Loki off a fine start, second season ordered ? ... The Eternals by Chloe Zhou, Next Thor comedy




Well-known member
Marvel Masters

Jack Kirby's Fantastic Four


81orE7yAR0L.jpgJack Kirby Fantastic Four & Inhumans

Jim Steranko X Men Daughter of Magneto

Steranko City Of Mutants



bandz ahoy
That does look boring.

There's no sense of wonder anymore is there, thanks to CGI. You see a giant spaceship appearing over a landscape and it makes absolutely no emotional impact.

I tried watching Hawk + Winter Soldier and couldn't stand it.


This new one, Eternals, looks like a DC film. Really bland and lifeless.

When I watch that trailer as an uninitiate I have absolutely no idea what it is supposed to be about. Seems weird that Gemma Chan is in it, there is always a sense of disconnect when you seem someone who you are used to being in cheap domestic tv series suddenly appearing in what looks like a leading role in a hollywood megabuster.

william kent

Well-known member
It's directed by Chloe Zhao who did Nomadland and she's apparently emphasised practical locations, but it still all looks like CGI to me. It's got that Netflix look,
We cut a little sample reel together, I remember, to show [Disney higher-ups]. And it was so beautiful, and I had to keep saying, “This is right out of a camera; there’s no VFX work to this at all!” Because it was a beautiful sunset, with perfect waves and mist coming up from the shore on this giant cliffside — really, really impressive stuff. Then seeing “Nomadland” after we had shot “Eternals,” you go, “Oh! That is not just what she wanted to bring to Marvel, to get out of a virtual greenscreen world, which is often the case in our films. This is a signature style."


bandz ahoy
Every actor in Hollywood will end up in a Marvel movie at some point and possibly will spend a good chunk of their career just doing Marvel movies.


is not like other people
recently my brother dropped off a big box of all the marvel comics i collected when i was a teenager, i used to like new mutants and x-force, so i read a few for old times and to my great disappointment they were completely shit

wank portentuous dialogue (especially during fight scenes) and a massive preponderance of covers saying "could this be... the death of _____" one issue, then "the return of _____" the next, very obvious and cynical approach to selling issue after issue to teenage losers every month hence my large collection

gutted that my adolescent fantasies were such a load of shit


recently my brother dropped off a big box of all the marvel comics i collected when i was a teenager, i used to like new mutants and x-force, so i read a few for old times and to my great disappointment they were completely shit
That truly is an absolutely massive surprise to me, who could possibly have imagined that a countless number of children's stories about increasingly implausible magic men in leotards, boshed out bit by bit every week with the single aim of making money from teenage virgins, stuffing in a cliffhanger every three pages and shamelessly rewriting history every time they painted themselves into a corner would be lacking slightly in quality control or depth?
To me that startling revelation just makes it all the more incredible that the geniuses of marketing (er, I mean directing) were able to spin this dross into such a huge quantity of cinematic gold with a massive self-contained universe that is totally consistent apart from all the times when it completely contradicts itself and which is definitely not in any way aimed at total simpletons who like to be spoonfed countless versions of the same thing again and again so that they never have to face any kind of challenge such as one of the goodies dying and not coming back to life or, heaven forfend, an original idea.


Are you calling me a total simpleton?
Are you a fan of Marvel films then? I have to say that I am a little surprised to hear that.
If so, then, somewhere in that out of control, over the top and totally unreasonable rant I may have let slip a couple of sentences which could perhaps be interpreted as implying something not totally unadjacent to the conclusion which you have hastily and unfairly, albeit correctly, jumped to.
I say unreasonable cos, given that I have only seen two or three or three of the films (representing less than 0.001 percent of their output) I really have no right at all to give my opinion on the quality of the films as a whole. And so sadly it follows that - much as I want to - I can't really in good faith call the fans simpletons.
Of course my gripe in fact is not really with the quality of the films, rather the quantity. The sheer every increasing bulk of the Marvel machine is a supermassive black hole deforming all the other cinematic universes and no doubt ultimately swallowing them whole. Even if that final hideous end is yet far off, there is already something so depressing about being reminded of it by the infinite columns of Marvel stormtroopers appearing constantly and continually over the horizon and marching inexorably towards us, one after the other.
But again, really my attack on the fans for the lack of adventure should in truth be aimed at those commissioning the endless sequels and prequels to sequels of remakes of adaptations, instead of even trying to have an original idea. In a sense it's not really fair to blame Marvel (whatever that is, more and more it feels as though I am referring to it as some kind of malignant entity) it's really just the cinema itself that has become cautious - or more accurately plain terrified - and then locked in a self-fulfilling loop in which it is believed that only sequels, or better still franchises, have any chance of succeeding and so only franchises have money thrown at them and, surprisingly enough, only they succeed. And as the biggest of the franchises Marvel has the most money thrown at it and grows the fastest, if it wasn't Marvel then no doubt it would be something else, but it IS Marvel films that have, slowly at first, but then with increasing speed, become a vast monocrop dessert stretching off for thousands of miles in every direction, providing a bare minimum of sustenance to those that survive on it, keeping them alive but horribly malnourished with their teeth falling out and only able to digest the thinnest and most tasteless pap. And there something particularly irritating when you are reminded - as by Woops above - that the whole towering edifice is based on something so... so childish and simplistic and bad.


Well-known member
Nothing personal @Corpsey but I've always found it quite strange that adults are into comic book superhero movies. I like lots of dumb shit and understand the desire for escapism and action, so not throwing stones from my glass house, but I just don't get it.


The thing for me is not that it's dumb necessarily. I mean, it probably is, but there is loads of stuff that is at least as dumb and lots of it I'm sure I like. But the production line of this stuff, getting faster and faster just spewing out into the world, it genuinely depresses the hell out of me. An advert for a film comes on telly and I start sort of casually watching, wondering if it will be something of interest or not, I guess I just sort of like watching trailers.... but then at some point it becomes clear that it's yet another one of THEM and I feel this huge enervation, a simultaneous draining of interest and lifeforce. For me it ceases being an advert for a film and may as well be for Serco or... I dunno Procter and Gamble, some kind of faceless corporate behemoth so dull that not even its chief executive would ever pretend it was interesting or exciting. They would however laud it as a grimly efficient money making business.
I'm not wanting to insult anyone's taste (I guess I am doing that but it's collateral damage, it's not my aim) but I strongly feel that this whole megafranchise is a bane on cinema, on art, on the world in general, not even through what it is but simply cos it exists.
Though, for the avoidance of doubt, if I wasn't clear before, I don't really think people who watch it are simpletons. My issues with it are not that.


Well-known member
I strongly feel that this whole megafranchise is a bane on cinema, on art, on the world in general, not even through what it is but simply cos it exists.

i meant to acknowledge that, absolutely. the way these mega-tentpole films have diverted resources in Hollywood, away from the risk of the original and different works, and toward the market-researched franchises that have more guaranteed profits.