Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Wonder whether they ever have moments, or even a single moment, of clarity where they snap out of it and realise how nuts their worldview is.
That would shatter the comforting delusion that someone - no matter how malevolent - understands what the fuck is going on and is somehow in charge.


Well-known member
i remember my cousin jessie (whos a linguistics academic) saying to me once, years ago now, have you seen that story about jews in israel ripping down posters of women in bikinis?

and i said, yeah i read about that

and she said, why do you think that's in the news

and i said, in my naive way, i guess, cos it's happening

but even as i answered i realised what she was implying. that nothing is the paper without there being some ulterior motive, some agenda being pushed or some other, more inconvnient truth being concealed.
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we'd always assumed she was the relatively sane one out of those cousins. they're all loopy-loo but shes got a phd, speaks fluent mandarin, works for universities etc but it gave me a whole new measure of just how paranoid a person can be. all those cousins went even loopier when covid was created needless to say


Wild Horses
another thing that this and the submarine story have really hammered home to me is that there is an entire section of society, or at least Twitter and however much that translates to society, for whom no news is real and everything is a psy-op unless it's on a topic they care about ("wokeism" and/or Hunter Biden's dick or laptop, basically). they don't have takes, or rather their take on literally everything is "this is fake and you're a dupe if you believe it". it's a totally fucking crazy worldview, maybe even crazier than QAnon etc, bc things that at least have an internally consistent logic of sorts even if it resists on numerous unhinged pillars of belief. this is just a kind of nihilistic (the bad kind, not the good kind) refusal to believe that anything outside of your worldview is real. it's a logical endpoint of conspiratorial thinking, I guess. instead of believing everything, you believe nothing. also a kind of extreme solipsism - that there are vast forces out there consistently churning out fake global news events to distract you from whatever you're narrowly focused on.
That's very well put.
A question for me, that comes out of that is how will these people process Putin's defeat, when it comes? How they deal with that very real military fact?

And also relevant to, is when he goes how much of misinformation architecture goes with him? I know you have other state actors doing this but it tends to be case specific rather than the open ended nihilism Russia specialises in.


Well-known member
Yeah personally I find that paranoid/solipsistic epistemology fascinating, because on one level it seems borne of a widespread and largely warranted distrust of institutions, but on the other hand it also seems to involve an unwillingness to actually process information and arrive at informed opinions. I suspect it is also attributable to something like a societal growing pains with globalized information overload, EG its easier to keep track of your neighborhood events than global events.
my brother isn't quite as extreme as what you and padraig and others are describing, but his underlying main point that the conversation revolves aound when i speak to him about the news and how fake it is etc is that he is clever and everyone else is stupid


Well-known member
it's something that you see everywhere expressed in different ways. that kind of disdain for the 'general public'. in some ways its a kind of despair.

and there is a gain of truth to it of course, in a democracy, maybe particularly ones with unbalanced electoral systems, when you watch the consequences of the ed milliband bacon sandwich, the 'he doesn't sing the national anthem' corbyn thing, and so on.

but it's a bit of a corrosive thing to have inside you i think, the idea that everyone else is stupid or alternatively incredibly selfish

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
this persons face, and this staging, the presentation, all helps to explain why people consider the news to be another branch of show business
Although I'm not sure how congruent these two models are - the news-as-entertainment model and the news-as-hidden-agenda model.

I suppose you could say that news has to be entertaining in order to draw in the widest possible audience, because there's no point trying to mould public opinion if only a few people are watching.

wild greens

Well-known member
but it's a bit of a corrosive thing to have inside you i think, the idea that everyone else is stupid or alternatively incredibly selfish

Disdain for others is one of the most natural human traits, trying to "understand" why people could possibly have a different opinion than you is just another way of expressing it.

Suggesting it's corrosive is a fair point as i guess the extreme end of this ideal is genocide but despite evolutionary advancement we're still quite tribal creatures and much prefer segregation via mental or physical grouping.

The real liars in life are those who wish to include everyone and love & peace to all etc. It's healthy to hate things and dismiss them, good to question and segregate yourself into groups of people with common interests

Ofc some people get so wrapped up in this conspiracy stuff that it overwhelms them and tbh they're probably not clever enough to see where the healthy cynicism ends and the obsessive ultra-doubt begins, but thankfully most people are clever enough to observe that and put them on the ignore/mute list and crack on with life much the way you ignore bible-bashers on the street. No offence to your brother, sure he's a great lad and just on the cusp

Loads of disdain in this post, happy to embrace it, lovely. Good start to the day. Well, I've been up since half five but you know what i mean


Well-known member
Although I'm not sure how congruent these two models are - the news-as-entertainment model and the news-as-hidden-agenda model.

I suppose you could say that news has to be entertaining in order to draw in the widest possible audience, because there's no point trying to mould public opinion if only a few people are watching.
thats cos youre stupid


Well-known member
but to explain very briefly it contributes to the air of unreality. it makes everything seem like a product of hollywood.


Well-known member
things were easier to beleive when they were printed in a serious looking font in the times.


Well-known member
harder to beleive it can be anything but theatre from the lodge when it looks like this


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