
Well-known member
I've been weirded out by the whole 'Ukraine' thing ever since MH17 was shot down and then the whole blame game routine surrounding that. Ukraine had been out of the news for a while, then I posted on a film forum about the Dovzhenko film Arsenal in a thread about 'Films and Nationalism' and the next day it was shot down... by a Buk missile. So that was one thing that stuck in my mind in a whodunnit kind of way.

Then I read Errol Morris book about Roger Fentons staged photographs in Crimea, and it all adds up to making me sceptical about believing anything we're told about this war. I've taken to reading Russian language news sites, just to see what they're being told.

On another forum I post on, people are rightly horrified by this war but are a lot more 'gung-ho' about intervention than me who sees it playing out like another Chechnya due to the resilience of the Ukrainian's and ultimately, their general lack of political will to side with Russia.


Well-known member
The Russian news is no more one-sided than our news, but it is their war, so it looks like Putin is going to go out like Yeltsin as a result.


The Russian news is no more one-sided than our news, but it is their war, so it looks like Putin is going to go out like Yeltsin as a result.
I can't agree with that. Of course it's right to be sceptical of the news we get, but from my experience, the news you see in Russia IS clearly more one-sided and dishonest and lots of it is simply propaganda. It's another one of those ones where saying "oh they're all liars, as bad as each other" is wrong and unhelpful.


Well-known member
I can't agree with that. Of course it's right to be sceptical of the news we get, but from my experience, the news you see in Russia IS clearly more one-sided and dishonest and lots of it is simply propaganda. It's another one of those ones where saying "oh they're all liars, as bad as each other" is wrong and unhelpful.

Interesting as I thought the same until I started reading and all I saw was a mirror of what we see in our news, all laid out in the same way, obviously pro Russian and towing the Kremlin line, but it still doesn't bode well for Putin.


I think it is more dishonest - for example they are saying that they didn't invade Ukraine - and one-sided - in that you can be arrested for saying otherwise, or for viewing fb etc or anything that might potentially put across another view - how can you argue that that is simply mirroring what happens in the west?


Well-known member
Interesting as I thought the same until I started reading and all I saw was a mirror of what we see in our news, all laid out in the same way, obviously pro Russian and towing the Kremlin line, but it still doesn't bode well for Putin.

I'm confused...you say it's a mirror of what we see, all laid out the same, but then say it's pro-Russian and towing the Kremlin line (which "our" media isn't/doesn't).


Well-known member
It's pro Russian as you'd expect, but there's enough dissent in there to provoke some kind of protest movement. The reason I mention is because it's notorious that all the press in Russia is controlled by shady intelligence, whereas from reading mk.ru for instance for a few weeks, it's no more pro Russian than our media is anti-Russian.


Well-known member
I'm confused...you say it's a mirror of what we see, all laid out the same, but then say it's pro-Russian and towing the Kremlin line (which "our" media isn't/doesn't).
why would our media toe the kremlin line?


Well-known member
There's a lot in the Russian news sites about the way the Kremlin are taking away freedoms like freedom of FaceBook and YouTube. Things that aren't going impress the average Russian about their government. As well as reporting the international sanctions they face.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Interesting as I thought the same until I started reading and all I saw was a mirror of what we see in our news, all laid out in the same way, obviously pro Russian and towing the Kremlin line, but it still doesn't bode well for Putin.
Depends what you mean by "our news", I suppose. Leaving aside the question of whether RT is inherently any more or less biased than the BBC, there are absolutely loads of English-language sources (whether based here or in the USA or wherever) which, whether they are purportedly far left or far right - to the extent that there's still a meaningful difference between them - can relied on to take an anti-Western and pro-Russian view on anything.

So I wonder if there is any Russian mirror image version of, say, The Canary, which does the reverse? I expect probably not, given what happens to journalists who criticise Putin.
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Well-known member
Point taken. We have a meta narrative of left vs right that from my limited reading of Russian news I don't pick up on the same.

As and aside, even if Putin is left to win this war, all I could see for Ukraine is Russian martial law. And to follow that would be years of Ukrainian terrorism.


Binary & Tweed
You guys hear about that seized yacht worth half a billion dollars? Couldn't you produce an aircraft carrier for that price? Or set up a fledgling alternative to SWIFT?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Point taken. We have a meta narrative of left vs right that from my limited reading of Russian news I don't pick up on the same.
It's not even that, though. That's yesterday's news, has been for ages. What does "left vs right" mean when Tariq Ali is saying "It's all NATO's fault for expanding eastwards", and Nigel Farage agrees with him?


Well-known member
why would our media toe the kremlin line?
um, yeah, obviously our media doesn't. that's what didn't make sense. he initially said two contradicting things: that Russian media is "a mirror of what we see, all laid out the same", and also that's it's "obviously pro-Russian and towing the Kremlin line".

his later post say he's read Russian sites dissenting, which seems very odd since the government has banned the words invasion and war and threatened people with 15 years in jail for protesting.


Yeah maybe there are Russians reporting fairly but I don't think that what they say is legally available in Russia. He must be getting confused.


Beast of Burden
It's pro Russian as you'd expect, but there's enough dissent in there to provoke some kind of protest movement. The reason I mention is because it's notorious that all the press in Russia is controlled by shady intelligence, whereas from reading mk.ru for instance for a few weeks, it's no more pro Russian than our media is anti-Russian.

Look up the history of NTV Russia


Well-known member
this must be humiliating for Putin. the mighty Russia needing help against Ukraine, and asking for it after just two weeks.

Russia asked China to give it military equipment and support for the war in Ukraine after President Vladimir V. Putin began a full-scale invasion last month, according to U.S. officials.

Russia has also asked China for additional economic assistance, to help counteract the battering its economy has taken from broad sanctions imposed by the United States and European and Asian nations, according to an official.