Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Picked a further kilo or so after that - all off the one little tree in our garden (it's a mature tree, was there when we moved in a year and a bit ago). We're now sorted for jam for the foreseeable future.


cat malogen
Masses of leaves down due to recent heatwave, they didn’t even get to go copper or gold. Feels weird. There’s still masses of greenery round, compounding a surreal feeling of kick walking through such early green wilted leaf fall

Maybe one for treeshagging thread


Well-known member
Just found a fucking tick on my back. We went upstate last weekend, did a bit of walking around in the woods, this bastard may have been on me all that time since then. It's late now, going to the doctor first thing tomorrow.

If I become paralyzed and unable to post here, please keep Choon of the Day, Redux alive in my memory.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Just found a fucking tick on my back. We went upstate last weekend, did a bit of walking around in the woods, this bastard may have been on me all that time since then. It's late now, going to the doctor first thing tomorrow.

If I become paralyzed and unable to post here, please keep Choon of the Day, Redux alive in my memory.
Shit! Best of luck getting, er, not paralysed.


Tight but Polite
Ticks and Lyme's are a thing here, but mostly only relevant to people who spend a lot of time bashing around in deep heather in the hills, which in my experience mostly seems to be climbers and reasonably serious hillwalkers. (I guess some tweedy huntin' shootin' and fishin' types might encounter them too but I don't know any of them.)

Good call getting it checked out, Leo - hopefully nothing will come of it.
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Well-known member
Thanks. Yeah, not a city thing. It's pretty common in most rural wooded areas in the Northeast here, you really should check yourself any time you walk through a forest or high grass area. Wonder if @suspended has any tick experiences from living in the wilds of Wisconsin.

I was stupid and forgot to check, and it was kind of out of view, so was attached for a number of days. I've seen them on dogs, where the tick expands like a small balloon as it sucks out blood. Mine was just flat, a lazy fucker I guess.


Well-known member
stayed in an abandoned zoo upstate during the pandemic, properly weird place, they'd kind of converted a barn into some rooms, and then the whole zoo sans animals was yours to explore. spent a while picking ticks off my legs there.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Is it just me, or does 'Nature Watch' sound like some kind of construction-industry-backed think tank or pressure group set up to fight environmental legislation?