She's from ages ago my dad had a book of hers you might as go. Candid pictures of hipsters and junkies from olden day times
i went today it was quite impressive. they had her photo's presented as diashows accompanied by music, a much better format than just hanging them on the wall i think. each photo was shown for a few seconds and then the next came up and the presentations were between 15 - 40 minutes so contained hundreds/thousands (?) of photo's.
i went to see two, her most fameous one, "the ballad of sexual dependency", and a more recent one called "memory lost". the first one was photo's she took of her friends in manhattan in the 80's, they're all smoking, drinking and having sex all the time, it's pure hedonism but also dark at times. bruised body's, hollow expressions. it's really intimate, loads of explicit photo's aswell, one of a guy licking his own penis. it has a fast pace and an energetic soundtrack. i thought it was great. it was touching.
the other one, "memory lost" was much more introspective and deals with drug addiction and all the friends she lost over the decades, you hear recordings from answering machine tapes and interviews she did with friends. the pace is much slower and there's other types of photo's besides portraits, photo's of skies, of landscapes, alternated with small video recordings. it made me real sad hearing all those ghost voices. of people gone.