"The genital character type can sense, feel, and express sufficiently to be able to experience satisfaction in all areas of life. Because he is free to experience and actualize satisfaction, he does not build up body or character defensive armor. He is not regressed to earlier, immature modes of gratification and thus functions in a mature capacity. His aggression through assertion is available for mastery of work and love.
Energetically and biophysically the Genital character has available movement, fluidity, and flexibility in the body. There is suppleness in the musculature and a lack of physical symptoms and stasis. The natural free-flowing energy is not stopped by extreme tension, flaccidity, over or underdeveloped muscles, and chronic gripping, for example, in the neck, shoulders and back. Body weight is consistent with good health and well-being and not a preoccupation. The eyes are alive, open and contactful. The mouth is soft and capable of relaxing without tension in the jaw. The voice is strong and expressive without constriction. The circulation flows to the extremities so the person can maintain warmth. The belly is soft and pliable to allow ease of digestion and elimination. The pelvis is mobile and able to feel full sensations. The breath is open, full, and consistent.
Sexually, this character type can surrender to a loving mate without problems and has sufficient available energy and contact to experience sexual satisfaction. Integrity in relationships is maintained.
This character type is comfortable in her skin and responds naturally without self-consciousness or awkwardness, and is capable of spontaneity and good contact. Feelings are accessible across the entire spectrum – from deep sadness and grief to appropriate anger and hate. The range of experience is from pleasure to pain, all willingly felt and integrated."