Also, regarding the advent of online porn, at what generational point can we consider the social, sexual libido to be vicarious by default? Like the norm, for attaining sexual fulfillment of libidinal potential, is by watching other people kinetically fulfilling said potential.
It seems like we've already past this point, historically, but I don't wanna just generalize my experience onto my whole generation. That said, I have no reason to believe that my porn consumption as a teenager was extraordinary. If anything, it was lower than average.
The shift, as a technologically-enabled generational shift, would be gradual, correlated with the technical development of porn from paper to pixel. At the start of this gradient, the social, sexual libido is expressed directly, by default. At the end of the gradient, this expression is indirect, vicarious.
Does this vicarious fulfillment involve identifying with one of the sexual players in the porn? Could this be said to be an implicit or unconscious identification? Or is identification not necessary to attain the fulfillment of libidinal potential?