The Antisocial Libido


is not like other people
Also, regarding the advent of online porn, at what generational point can we consider the social, sexual libido to be vicarious by default? Like the norm, for attaining sexual fulfillment of libidinal potential, is by watching other people kinetically fulfilling said potential.

It seems like we've already past this point, historically, but I don't wanna just generalize my experience onto my whole generation. That said, I have no reason to believe that my porn consumption as a teenager was extraordinary. If anything, it was lower than average.

The shift, as a technologically-enabled generational shift, would be gradual, correlated with the technical development of porn from paper to pixel. At the start of this gradient, the social, sexual libido is expressed directly, by default. At the end of the gradient, this expression is indirect, vicarious.

Does this vicarious fulfillment involve identifying with one of the sexual players in the porn? Could this be said to be an implicit or unconscious identification? Or is identification not necessary to attain the fulfillment of libidinal potential?
wank talk

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Arguably the alt-right, or some portion of it, is a reactionary cultural recoil to some of these alienating developments. These developments seem to plunge one into nihilism, but that pathway deserves much more attention and analysis than I've given it.

But this nihilism doesn;t exclusively manifest into the alt-right. There is also what could be called the despondent left, the left with no supply for its demand, lest it slouch back in a similarly reactionary fashion, in the manner of the dirtbag left, reactionary left, etc.

I think the truly progressive development available to the left is the establishment of the heterodox left, which is essentially what the alt-left would be. @suspended any thoughts?

constant escape

winter withered, warm
This shouldn't feel grimy for anyone. Any griminess is attributable to schmutzes on the lens of the receiver.

Well perhaps certain depths of these spelunkings would be almost universally considered grimy, but "wank talk" alone shouldn't. Its just inhibitions, barriers to be overcome, etc.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
So much of this stuff will just fester if it is kept under the cusp of conversation. And that festering is what amounts to the overtaking of the will by the libido.

edit: which is to be avoided at all costs. Thus, the answer, as in most many gnostic dialectics, is metastability.
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constant escape

winter withered, warm
The harnessing of the libido by the will. The breathing, the desuffocation, of the libido under the will. These are some good points of departure, in terms of setting goals.
Arguably the alt-right, or some portion of it, is a reactionary cultural recoil to some of these alienating developments.

it has, recontextualised the pain of angry disenfranchised young men, caused by these impersonal forces...painted solutions in a very sexual lexicon

constant escape

winter withered, warm
When the will to power becomes compulsive, is that not a symptom of an enraged libido? A libido that has become unregulatable precisely and paradoxically because it was overregulated?


is not like other people
i think @luka got there first when he said that videos advertising monster black dicks fed into incel/alt-racism crossover

constant escape

winter withered, warm
it has, recontextualised the pain of angry disenfranchised young men, caused by these impersonal forces...painted solutions in a very sexual lexicon
Yeah, and I think the intensity is largely due to the echo-chamber that one's reality becomes when certain critical dialogues are severed, rendered one-way. To an extent, at least.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
i think @luka got there first when he said that videos advertising monster black dicks fed into incel/alt-racism crossover
Hadn't considered that, but it certainly is fuel for insecurity. I think stuff like this is more bound to happen when one's sexuality has a monopoly on one's libidinal potential. If the libido is centrally bottlenecked through the sexual organ, then all the pressure to excel in libidinal terms is placed on said organ.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
And "the pressure to excel" is another way of articulating the kind of compulsive will to power mentioned upthread. One can harness the power of compulsion itself, as a sort of pre-cognitive libidinal engine, but this engine is bound to override the cognition if neglected. And the cognition ought to remain in an executive position, at least most of the time. That seems to fit into the framework of the development of physical complexity, as I understand it. The brain as a high-order and executive organ.
it cant be contained or repressed. itll fester out of sight and then take its revenge in unexpected ways. so how do we channel the potent sexual energy of young men for the greater good. this is the task constant escape has taken upon himself

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Yeah and thats why fascism needed/needs to be thoroughly audited and siphoned. I believe fascism can be gnostically precluded, but any such effort involves a becoming-fascist in order to, in effect, dismantle fascism. It seems to have been accomplished, but I will opt to treat it as an eternally ongoing task, for safe measure.


Arguably the alt-right, or some portion of it, is a reactionary cultural recoil to some of these alienating developments. These developments seem to plunge one into nihilism, but that pathway deserves much more attention and analysis than I've given it.

But this nihilism doesn;t exclusively manifest into the alt-right. There is also what could be called the despondent left, the left with no supply for its demand, lest it slouch back in a similarly reactionary fashion, in the manner of the dirtbag left, reactionary left, etc.

I think the truly progressive development available to the left is the establishment of the heterodox left, which is essentially what the alt-left would be. @suspended any thoughts?
Maybe one issue is that the sense of an inter-generational project has been lost? One generation pivots and rejects the previous. People (delusional people, since they're all middleclass+ Americans who will be fine) talk crazy about "no planet for the kiddies to inherit"—see First Reform for a fictional depiction.

Meaning is "so what"—it's about further implications, causal structures and entailment. "This means that." Without a sense of futures, entailment is lost.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Yeah, plus the point you made earlier about information involving a change of position, a change of approach, a feedback input that alters the next iteration of the very action that elicited said feedback. To a somewhat blurry extent, you can quantize time itself as a series of iterations, of feedback cycles. I think that is close to what Stephen Wolfram does, but scientifically that is still beyond me.
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