
cat malogen


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Chanje Kunda was suffering with stress and anxiety when she first discovered that plants soothe the soul. She then learnt that some women in Mexico, fed up with men, were getting married to trees. Trees aren’t very talkative, but they are tall, do great things for the planet, and are renowned for their wood. Chanje was inspired and surrendered to this notion. She fell in love with plants. The pressures of life drifted away.

We are forever comparing our lives to those of others on social media and the superficial numbers game that is dating via onlineapps. Plant Fetish will inspire you to embrace foliage over FOMO!

This show maps her journey, and will feature a harem of stunning tropical plants that dress the stage. There will be music and movement, dramatic narrative and metaphors of growth and renewal. The show ends on a climax…



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Activists are holding mock wedding ceremonies (a.k.a artivism) to protest illegal logging, the harvest, transportation, purchase or sale of timber in violation of laws. The event is called “Marry a Tree.” Nope, trust me, you’re not barking up the wrong tree. This is the truth.


Well-known member
I'm reading that Bataille book (The accursed share, volume 1) and what he's saying in the first few pages about plants and trees is really not very different at all to what Simard and Gagliano are saying.


... are nothing but growth and reproduction (the energy necessary for their functional activity is negligible).

And I like this bit, about them taking over the air:

the earth first opens to life the primary space of the waters and the surface of the ground. But life quickly takes possession of the air. To start with, it was important to enlarge the green substance of plants, which absorbs the radiant energy of light. The superposition of leaves in the air extends the volume of this substance considerably: in particular, the structure of trees develops this possibility well beyond the level of the grasses.


Guided By Plant Voices

An interview with Monica Gagliano

There’s an emerging field of what’s called “vegetal consciousness.” Do you think plants have minds?

What is the mind? [Laughs] You see, language is very inadequate at the moment in describing this field. I could ask you the same question in referring to humans. Do you think humans have a mind? And I could answer again, what is the mind? Of course, I have written a paper with the title “The Mind of Plants” and there is a book coming called The Mind of Plants. In this context, language is used to capture aspects of how plants can change their mind, and also whether they have agency. Is there a “person” there? These questions are relevant beyond science because they have ethical repercussions. They demand a change in our social attitude toward the environment. But I already have a problem with the language we are using because the question formulated in that way demands a yes or no answer. And what if the answer cannot be yes or no?

You’ve studied with shamans in indigenous cultures and you’ve taken ayahuasca and other psychoactive plants. Why did you seek out those experiences?

I didn’t. They sought me. So I just followed. They just arrived in my life. You know, those are important doors that you need to open and you either walk through or you don’t. I simply decided to walk through. I had this weird series of three dreams while I was in Australia doing my normal life. By the time the third dream came, it was very clear that the people that I was dreaming of were real people. They were waiting somewhere in this reality, in this world. And the next thing, I’m buying a ticket and going to Peru and my partner at the time is looking at me like, “What are you doing?” [laughs] I have no idea, but I need to go. As a scientist, I find this is the most scientific approach that I’ve ever had. It’s like there is something asking a question and is calling you to meet the answer. The answer is already there and is waiting for you, if you are prepared to open the door and cross through. And I did.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Guided By Plant Voices

An interview with Monica Gagliano
Cool interview, thanks for sharing.

Regarding psychedelics in particular though - and if you'll forgive me bending this round to one of my pet topics - I do have to wonder if it's entirely a coincidence that out of the thousands of psychedelic compounds we know of, by far the two most important and popular ones are derived from fungi, not plants.


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Has anyone seen any "wet trees"?

Im not sure what's going on here, there's the odd one which feels like it's been soaked.

My friend says they are hornbeams.




