Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
@yyaldrin @chava You have to remember that fascism is a pretty specific ideology, or a family of closely related ideologies, and not just a synonym for "authoritarianism" in general. The USSR was extremely authoritarian, but it wasn't fascist. Conversely, nobody is more into freedom than the far right. Or at least, a certain sort of freedom for a certain sort of people - it might be the freedom from sharing your country with Muslims, or from being offered vaccines, or from having your children learn about evolution, climate change or the Holocaust at school.

The fascists in Austria call themselves the Freedom Party, don't they?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
In the UK we've got this group who rather cutely call themselves the White Rose, after the historic resistance movement in Nazi Germany, and they do the usual thing of comparing any anti-pandemic measures whatsoever to "something out of Nazi Germany" (even being asked to wear a mask while shopping or using a bus), are fanatically anti-vaxx of course, and believe the pandemic as a whole is a scam, etc. etc. But they also think all refugees are criminal scum, white civilization is under threat, and that a gang of evil Jews runs the world.

In other words, they're Nazis who love calling other people "Nazis".

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Lol, I've said something that's annoyed @luka but he doesn't know what to do about it so he's defaulted to the trusty "haha" reaction. 😙


Well-known member
i wasnt annoyed i was just laughing at you trying to steal craner's 'well actually fascism is a distinct and historically delimited ideology' act but made it sound even more pompous

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
i wasnt annoyed i was just laughing at you trying to steal craner's 'well actually fascism is a distinct and historically delimited ideology' act but made it sound even more pompous
I don't think he has a monopoly on knowing what fascism is!

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I'm not the boss of you, of course, so feel free to carry on using the word more or less as Rik from The Young Ones would use it.
@yyaldrin @chava You have to remember that fascism is a pretty specific ideology, or a family of closely related ideologies, and not just a synonym for "authoritarianism" in general. The USSR was extremely authoritarian, but it wasn't fascist. Conversely, nobody is more into freedom than the far right. Or at least, a certain sort of freedom for a certain sort of people - it might be the freedom from sharing your country with Muslims, or from being offered vaccines, or from having your children learn about evolution, climate change or the Holocaust at school.

The fascists in Austria call themselves the Freedom Party, don't they?
Two cheeks of the same arse. Please don't embarrass yourself by ever posting again.
