Thank you for your service, pattycakes. Your logically-airtight windshield analogy has finally changed my mind. Now I always wear a mask.
Unleash the kraken! Arrests coming soon!The narrative is changing, lads. Let's check in with each other on 17th June, and see how the chips have fallen. keywords: "vaccine injury", "liability in case of fraud", "thrown under a bus" table 5
Have a good scroll about and see what you think. It's a huge table, divided into male/female/COVID/all cause/age cohorts. But let's look at all-cause mortality for 50-59 year olds in April 2022.
Age Standardised AC Mortality rate / 100,000 person years is higher in the most vaccinated.
Sex Cause of Death Year Month Age group Vaccinationstatus Countofdeaths Personyears Agestandardised mortality rate / 100,000 person-yearsNoted asUnreliable Lowerconfidence limit Upperconfidence limit
Male All causes 2022April 50-59 Unvaccinated 81 19212 427.2 339.1 531.2Male All causes 2022April 50-59 First dose, less than 21 days ago <3 24 x x xMale All causes 2022April 50-59 First dose, at least 21 days ago 18 2554 706.3u 417.3 1118.1Male All causes 2022April 50-59 Second dose, less than 21 days ago <3 90 x x xMale All causes 2022April 50-59 Second dose, at least 21 days ago 152 23124 671.2 564.1 778.3Male All causes 2022April 50-59 Third dose or booster, less than 21 days ago <3 566 x x xMale All causes 2022April 50-59 Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago 595 206827 282.3 259.6 305.1
By all means, carry on as you see fit, but you should probably consider more of the evidence available, not solely that spoonfed to you by the BBC, Guardian, and other approved left of centre media outlets. MB and I have supplied plenty of evidence to the contrary over the years.
Here's the latest. If it doesn't contradict your in-the-wool programming too painfully, spend a moment with this commentary on UK All Cause Mortality.
The best thing about being a conspiracy theorist? No myocarditis.
Masks are ridiculous and ineffective unless welded to your face, with no gaps, and adequate filtration that makes it difficult to breathe, but as a personal choice to advertise your political leanings and social conformity, they're fine, of course.
More pressing, right now, the ONS excess death tables here in the UK very clearly show that excess all cause death rates is greater in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated, and greatest in young and middle-aged males. table 5
Have a good scroll about and see what you think. It's a huge table, divided into male/female/COVID/all cause/age cohorts. But let's look at all-cause mortality for 50-59 year olds in April 2022.
Age Standardised AC Mortality rate / 100,000 person years is higher in the most vaccinated.
Sex Cause of Death Year Month Age group Vaccinationstatus Countofdeaths Personyears Agestandardised mortality rate / 100,000 person-yearsNoted asUnreliable Lowerconfidence limit Upperconfidence limit
Male All causes 2022April 50-59 Unvaccinated 81 19212 427.2 339.1 531.2Male All causes 2022April 50-59 First dose, less than 21 days ago <3 24 x x xMale All causes 2022April 50-59 First dose, at least 21 days ago 18 2554 706.3u 417.3 1118.1Male All causes 2022April 50-59 Second dose, less than 21 days ago <3 90 x x xMale All causes 2022April 50-59 Second dose, at least 21 days ago 152 23124 671.2 564.1 778.3Male All causes 2022April 50-59 Third dose or booster, less than 21 days ago <3 566 x x xMale All causes 2022April 50-59 Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago 595 206827 282.3 259.6 305.1
By all means, carry on as you see fit, but you should probably consider more of the evidence available, not solely that spoonfed to you by the BBC, Guardian, and other approved left of centre media outlets. MB and I have supplied plenty of evidence to the contrary over the years.
Here's the latest. If it doesn't contradict your in-the-wool programming too painfully, spend a moment with this commentary on UK All Cause Mortality.
The best thing about being a conspiracy theorist? No myocarditis.
Come on though, Rich. You have to admit, it's pretty watertight logic.Are you saying that you've decided that masks are ineffective and so the survey that agrees with you must be correct?
From Feb there will be no masks required anywhere except hospitals etc in Germany. It's already been very lax for a while now even on public transport which is still one of the main places it's enforced. Many public places like bars and clubs have been mask free for some time.
Coming from Scandinavia this seems so strange to me. In Denmark all restrictions whatsoever has been lifted for a year now, now to mention that they were comparably lax to begin with. I can't help to think when I rarely see a person wearing a mask that they must be either Asian or paranoid-schizophrenic (just as I did before COVID).
However, excess mortality in DK is up now, so the mask-advocates will of course say that's why.
But you totally ignored what I said - what makes the one study that agrees with you right and all the others wrong? You just asserted that masks are ridiculous and then put in a load of insults. Are you saying that you've decided that masks are ineffective and so the survey that agrees with you must be correct?
The high excess deaths are very worrying and is likely a combination of causes. Delayed/denied treatment, burnout and retirement of health care workers, ongoing acute covid burden, some severe post-covid acute incidents, and (in some countries) general issues with structural dysfunction in the healthcare system.
There is also significant and growing evidence to suggest immune dysregulation due to widespread and repeated covid infections is a major factor, loads of people ending up very sick or hospitalised with diseases that normally cause little or no problems, thus exacerbating all of the above. Literally everybody I know was sick with one thing or another in December. Its a shitshow.
Sorry to hear that, and I hope it doesn't get any worse.almost three years since kickoff, I finally tested positive. slight cough and chill but so far, so good. met friends for lunch twice last week, must have been from one of those (they are both fine).
was looking forward to being outside today after sheltering in place the past two days from the bitter cold temps but oh well.
Ah shit, sorry to hear that Leo. Can you get Paxlovid? If you can, you should.
H5N1 is really fucking serious.