I saw that comment there and at first I thought that I had made a mistake and quoted Shaka without remembering to add my own point... however I then noticed that in fact I had made a very subtle and witty change - and then it struck me that the otherwise inexplicable lack of likes and other positive reactions to that comment may also be down to others failing to spot what I had done.
Today, we remember the late Queen Elizabeth II. Respected and admired around the world, hers was a life of service to her country and the Commonwealth.
Which I changed to..
shakahislop said:
Today, we remember the late Queen Elizabeth II. Respected and admired around the world, hers was a life of service to her
by country and the Commonwealth.
And for MB and other thickies I'll explain further; originally that first sentence simply repeated an extraordinary and outrageous lie, one that has been propagated throughout my entire lifetime and which is a perfect example of the idea that if you do tell a lie, make it a big one. Cos the idea that the Queen - born into obscene wealth, gifted numerous palaces and castles around the land with armies of servants to make them work as well as to ensure that she never needs to do anything, doing exactly what she wanted the whole time and, it turns out, being literally above the law (along with her paedo-progeny) - was serving us has to be one of the biggest lies ever, an enormous and shameless inversion of reality which has somehow, by dint of this repetition, and perhaps also cos of its sheer blatancy, become a sort of axiomatic truth which must never ever be questioned.
Except I, showing once again my fearlessness in the face of Orwellian state-controlled black-is-white and down-is-up style attacks on the truth, added the simple two letter preposition "by" so that now the statement correctly states that the country served her.
Elegant, fearless and most of all true. The brevity and beautiful simplicity of that minor change clearly deserved to be garlanded with plaudits from far and wide, instead however, I can only guess because of its rapier-subtlety it went above the heads of my fellow dissensians and received nothing of the kind... such a shame. Still it gave me the opportunity to write this pointlessly verbose and self-aggrandizing post in an irritatingly superior tone which I'm sure anyone who made this far will have understood I greatly enjoyed doing.