No idea! I'm not sure I was hurt by missing out on Family Guy. I might have been able to fit in better at certain points in my life. I'm not sure I would've watched Family Guy even if I had my own telly. Was a snob most of middle school and far too busy in high school when I was starting to become approximately curious about popular culture.Weird how we were all doing that looking to california, but you actually there were not. Do you think having such a strict upbringing was a good thing?
For better and worse, my taste in music has been shaped by a drive to progress. When I was seven or eight, I’d sneak into my dad’s home office to watch MTV—disallowed on fuzzy moral grounds—on his TV-VCR while he was at work, enthralled by what I thought was the adult world. As I was learning guitar I sought out songs that pushed me to the next level of speed and dexterity, quickly graduating from punk to hardcore to metal and beyond. Then, studying music in college, I gravitated towards theory, following the growing chromaticism of the Romantic era until tonality broke in the 20th century, unlocking new systems so complex and abstract they seemed to precipitate from theory rather than the other way around. I wasn’t playing guitar, I was playing an RPG, a linear path with clear, quantifiable growth that could be gamed by grinding out any number of side quests.
See @thirdform this is the line of thinking that a substantial critique of this thread might produce. Concepts like capital, class, hierarchy have structured the thread and I have yet to hear a whisper from the peanut gallery assaulting my "latent values become manifest"
That's right. Wild Greens has a great thread going on right now featuring many kinds of music which Dissensus users love—lotta pages of great stuff, really top stuff, you can get your moneys worth. This is more a kind of tourism. An opportunity to visit a foreign country of taste.
I don't know. Who is Blanco?btw @shakahislop what's your view on Doherty getting away with murdering Blanco?
I don't know. Who is Blanco?
ok i googled. i don't know anything about it. i would assume that police take murder pretty seriously and investigate it, so if he did it he would have been prosecuted, particularly as the guy who died looks at first glance as though he's from a pretty elite segment of society, but maybe that is naievity.
probably it's that the boho ideal mutates over the years, and the libertines were an iteration of it that resonated for some reason or other in 2003.
it is kind of amazing how much the bohomian thing has popped up again and again in different forms for 200 years or so. i guess that is something that many people have noticed before.