(27/100) The Books, "Enjoy Your Worries You May Never Have Them Again"
This track was a lightning bolt at 15. I had no idea people made music like this. My exposure to sampling was Kanye West's "Gold Digger," or shitty Notorious B.I.G. mashups. I was obsessed with the video, watched it endlessly on my Dell Inspiron. I loved the spoken word bits, the random crowd interruptions and birdsong, how percussive the acoustic guitar was. I loved the bit where the woman talks about depositing a check, and her voice gets higher and higher and higher til it squeaks off. I loved the ecstatic closing fiddle melody, the hypnagogic final looping beat. I couldn't show this to anyone; maybe I tried once, but none of my friends would've gotten it; they were Red Hot Chili Peppers people, Eminem people, Linkin Park people, Kid Cudi people. So it was this very private thing.
I'm putting out pretty poor writing at this point in the thread, lot of cliches, style getting rusty, hoping I'll catch a groove again and start saying something interesting.