
Well-known member
has it not crossed your mind that Doherty is/was most probably a snitch? Good resource for the old bill, you smoke your crack but tell us about any associates who er... inconvenience you, and we'll sort it out.

Come on Luke's vigilant citizen shit is kids play compared to this. real conspiracies.
it never crossed my mind.

ari up had something to do with the police? a quick google brings up nothing


pass the sick bucket
Ari Up didn't have anything to do with the Police, she was only the bleedin police ffs!

@Corpsey sort yourself out you subhuman glutton, and bring some integrity back to this forum.


pass the sick bucket
Well finally, that's the spirit!

yes. exactly. Poptimism was dreamt up by writers like Tom Ewing because they felt invalidated by Genp, Moscow, Kingston and São Paulo. You see Indie isn't conservative because of its sonic properties necessarily, but because it situates the student and thereby the critic as luddite. You are correct to note that poptimism in this respect comes out of indie rock here more than it does rnb, notwithstanding its jennuflection to pretending to be in tune with contemporary musics. If you look at Finney's recent posting on ilx, it''s very much in an insufferable middle aged aussie mould. But of course this was inevitable, he was never going to follow drill religiously.

But for me, pop is only interesting as a field of conflict and contestation. Pop as pure pleasure matrix is all welll and good, but it's no different to rhapsodising about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or BFG. Where Luke, Benny and even the late Fisher went wrong was to think that pop as stasis is interesting because its mass culture, petit-bourgeois inanity. If you say you are not into underground or arty wank music, then you have already conceded. A real poptimist would have had no need to check out the junglistic or grime pirates. They would have been happy with kws, pete tong tedium.

and in fact, this is why even the poppiest of hardcore anthems (sl2 - on a ragga tip) could not get to number 1. It was edged out by

this stinking pile of crap.

@blissblogger, I've thrown down the gauntlet, sort these reprobates out!
  • Haha
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pass the sick bucket
Well finally, that's the spirit!

Through a tremendous piece of serendipity I have stumbled upon THE breakup song, after having forgotten all about it nearly a decade, and seeing it for the first time since my teens in the wild

This is what my insides were like this is what it was like to be in my heady. Completely sappy sad romantic emptying, the last tones of a bell ceasing to ring. The wind whistles melodies of mourning through tree branches. A whisper in an echoing canyon. The simultaneous smallness and hugeness of the song's affect, of my conscious experience, how totalizing it felt and how little that added up to in the grand scale of the world. "This is where the glass leaves the lens / Ocean and the sky callin' me in / Because I drift outta nowhere."

dunno about that mate. when I was a nipper it was more like

Gran Turismo ; Jazz Funk ; Car Racing ; Fast Pace ; Car Chase ; Formula 1 ; Driving ; Motorsport ; Car Music ; Ferrari ; Lamborghini ; McLaren ; Mercedes ; Music for driving ; vintage cars ; 70s funk ; vintage music; vintage style



Void Dweller
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pass the sick bucket
not my fault is it you can't read the old testament is it now son! and you have to muck about with fucking Crowley and other such hacks. Real magick is in the holy scriptures.


Remembering how people at my high school were really into mashups. There was sorta a period of mashups being popular broadly, right? That Danger Mouse Jay Z album. Feel like I associate it with parts of ~2010 EDM culture. All my preppy girlfriends would say "Oh Gus your taste is so hipster, we don't get it, but we like those mashups, give us more mashups." Everyone had really bad taste bla bla bla we know this it's not interesting to point out. Let's all be good anthropologists and employ a curious spirit of cultural relativism OK great, now here are two mashups all the kids liked, I got many social points if I played these on speakers in 10th grade



I probably should have dated hippie girls. that was my mistake. if I could go back and give my younger self advice I would say, don't chase the preppy girls the hippie girls are cooler


Binary & Tweed
Ari Up was a copper. just ask @blissblogger - this is what Penman accused her of, and he was correct!

Pete Doherty is a copper.

Gus is a failed copper.
Gus is the psycho copper.



(27/100) The Books, "Enjoy Your Worries You May Never Have Them Again"

This track was a lightning bolt at 15. I had no idea people made music like this. My exposure to sampling was Kanye West's "Gold Digger," or shitty Notorious B.I.G. mashups. I was obsessed with the video, watched it endlessly on my Dell Inspiron. I loved the spoken word bits, the random crowd interruptions and birdsong, how percussive the acoustic guitar was. I loved the bit where the woman talks about depositing a check, and her voice gets higher and higher and higher til it squeaks off. I loved the ecstatic closing fiddle melody, the hypnagogic final looping beat. I couldn't show this to anyone; maybe I tried once, but none of my friends would've gotten it; they were Red Hot Chili Peppers people, Eminem people, Linkin Park people, Kid Cudi people. So it was this very private thing.

I'm putting out pretty poor writing at this point in the thread, lot of cliches, style getting rusty, hoping I'll catch a groove again and start saying something interesting.


pass the sick bucket
(27/100) The Books, "Enjoy Your Worries You May Never Have Them Again"

This track was a lightning bolt at 15. I had no idea people made music like this. My exposure to sampling was Kanye West's "Gold Digger," or shitty Notorious B.I.G. mashups. I was obsessed with the video, watched it endlessly on my Dell Inspiron. I loved the spoken word bits, the random crowd interruptions and birdsong, how percussive the acoustic guitar was. I loved the bit where the woman talks about depositing a check, and her voice gets higher and higher and higher til it squeaks off. I loved the ecstatic closing fiddle melody, the hypnagogic final looping beat. I couldn't show this to anyone; maybe I tried once, but none of my friends would've gotten it; they were Red Hot Chili Peppers people, Eminem people, Linkin Park people, Kid Cudi people. So it was this very private thing.

I'm putting out pretty poor writing at this point in the thread, lot of cliches, style getting rusty, hoping I'll catch a groove again and start saying something interesting.

we finally getting to theraregrooveman era of gus then?