
I'm not sure, people were not liking the direction the tracks were taking, so I feel impelled to change it up if I go forward

I was considering talking about my Burger Records years when I got really into garage rock revival and roadtripped down to Fullerton and met King Tuff.

I was considering talking about the beginnings of my poptimism arc, from RiRi to Robyn.

I was considering talking about my freshman year Americana radio show where I played soundtracks to Westerns, and Fats Domino, and the like.


I've approached this as a biographical genre, the 100 tracks over my life that have defined and scaffolded the evolution of my taste, rather than what I would choose to defend now, in my late 20s. What did 8 10 12 14 16 18 year old Sus think was absolutely essential.



Not an official 100 but I think it's the logical next step after The Books track. I did little baby steps in the shallow end of electronica in high school. This was one of the baby steps


And I loved Gold Panda's "You," me and my junior year girlfriend listened to it all the time in the car driving around together



She really loved these two we listened to them all the time together, driving around in her Prius in sunny weather all spring, day trips to Santa Barbara
