
if memory serves "casualised male abjection and how to fight it" was actually a common thematic concern for dissensus when i was most heavily active. and in ways somewhat outside the terms of the larger internet's culture war around sex, as well

vershy versh

Well-known member
if memory serves "casualised male abjection and how to fight it" was actually a common thematic concern for dissensus when i was most heavily active. and in ways somewhat outside the terms of the larger internet's culture war around sex, as well

As a rule, any thread related to women or gender or COVID will be swiftly derailed by mixed_biscuits and turn into a shitshow.


Well-known member
if memory serves "casualised male abjection and how to fight it" was actually a common thematic concern for dissensus when i was most heavily active. and in ways somewhat outside the terms of the larger internet's culture war around sex, as well
Which, you know, was one of the main ideas behind my femboy feminism but who's counting? It's not like anyone cares. They'd rather argue about style and technicalities.


Well-known member
idea and presentation are a unity, adorno talks about it in negative dialectics even. how well you are able to express yourself is a function of how well you understand yourself
That's cool. I still don't think style is worth arguing about. You either understand my ideas or you don't. And if you don't understand, don't argue with me.
People who argue about style rarely care about substantive ideas. They just use complaints about style as a smokescreen to avoid discussing their opponent's ideas. Arguing about style is a waste of time, indeed debates about style have been the single biggest distraction in the entirety of 20th century philosophy. So I guess I disagree with Adorno here. But I would need to see the particular citation you're referring to here before I pass further judgement.
Also Adorno had one of the worst styles ever so that sounds like a bit of a self-refuting argument. BTW I love Adorno and think he's a great thinker despite his awful style.
of course you do, you're a hothoused new york brat, and serve the same ends as biscuits, and her (sorry his) majesties govt.

what ever happened to 148 magikal iq thinker?
He realised that every moment spent here is a moment wasted forever. Pearls cast not before swine, but into a vortex of spunk-marbled turds swirling down a drain.