Your question speaks to the tribal mentality that pervades politics. Adopt the view of the tribe on every issue, because that's what our tribe says and we're the good guys. The bad tribe says something else so they must be wrong.
I don't know whether you've ignored anything I've ever said about anything, or are just striking a pose here, but I am absolutely not part of a 'tribe'. I consider myself progressive in a very non-denominational, Labour-voting, free-range-egg-buying kind of way. I'm to the left of Starmer on every issue but I also take a pretty dim view of Corbyn for several reasons. I find Israel's government repellent but I also think Roger Waters is a racist wanker. And so on and so on.
With regards to the issues in this thread, I think you're so far to one extreme that, from your vantage point, everyone looks like they're at the opposite extreme. Which is just not true at all. For instance I think there's a very good case for keeping women's competitive sports for cis women only, and there are parts of the internet where that will earn you opprobrium of the Literally Worse That Hitler variety.
With the therapy issue, I think S47 is correct to identify 'concern trolling' as what's going on here. It's all "Won't somebody think of the children?!", but what you're refusing to do is listen to trans people themselves, who are after all the people being affected by all this. And the regret rate for sex-reassignment surgery is remarkably low, about 1% - much lower than the regret rate for other, less controversial surgeries, such as elective mastectomies for women at high risk of breast cancer. Never mind the fact that most forms of gender therapy are much less drastic than full surgery, and usually consist of hormone therapy, which is to a large extent reversible if the subject changes their mind.