Aside from the “guilty pleasure”/out of my comfort zone aspect and the fact that its something new which I enjoy…
I think its good pop music, they have an ear for poignant melody, the lyrics are emotionally crass, superficial and hooky but beautiful at the same time, not too clever. I love the way the vocal duties get passed along within many of the songs, anticipating each member’s contributions, and Nina’s voice/affectations I find particularly beautiful. Across their releases they’ve shown a certain stylistic flexibility that also feels cohesive and restrained. I enjoy the bare but rich production, and the guitar playing doesn’t feel too ornate like its up its own ass. There’s a vulnerability which feels appropriate to the emotional feebleness of the youth who this music is inevitably for. It could be considered indulgent but to my ears its quite tasteful compared to the ridiculously extreme stuff many zoomers seem to find catharsis in these days.