Turns out HMG was right!
Victory lap
This has taken over TikTok in recent weeks
No-one knows why, apart from it being ein Ohrwurm
No-one knows why, apart from it being ein Ohrwurm
When I hear “portentous” music for glory-hungry activists I think of Conflict chanting “WOT WE GUNNA BE DOIN NOW THAT ITS 1984,” not gaunt navel-gazer anthems to wallow to. I suppose “No Sweat” does have a kind of serious solemnity that I don’t appreciate. I find most of their stuff more twee than anything, though. Thematically speaking there’s certainly no sense of social commentary, politics or outwardness whatsoever. Just breakups and relationship strife, which is rather typical for pop music wouldn’t you say?
Are you sure their music doesn’t make you yourself want to punch a Nazi? You’d probably enjoy it
I brain washed mine by only ever playing my own music in the car.Kids like videos so if you want to brainwash your kid into liking good music you'd have to go out of your way to put them on good videos and I can't really be arsed cos I don't watch them myself, what's the point?